Owlright now, what is the fascination with this nocturnal feathered friend? I seem to see them in every cute craft room I visit.

Could it be their owlishly handsome good looks? Their owlknowing keen intelligence?
I may be late to this owloccasion fascination, but I'm so glad I've finally arrived!
Please do not Pin Pattern to Pinterest.
I completely understand. I love to see other people's work for inspiration but struggle to make sure my creations are all my own. You have such a distinct unique style and it's always so exciting to see what fun thing you've got going next!
I know what you are saying, Elizabeth, but I think you are very original- even if there are others out there similar to your style, I think people can tell when artists are true to their style. I greatly admire your integrity.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those owlies.
Hello Elizabeth! I've missed you! I have so much catching up to do, seeing what you've been up to. You're so funny! As much as I love ME stuff, I love "E"me things even more!
Do not ever remind me that I said this, but I secretly can't wait until Fall, so that the gardens can fend for themselves and I can start making some "E"me crafts too!
Happy Sunday!
Elizabeth..I recently created some things..and my daughter asked...where did you see these from..I didn't unless you count my brain..lol I showed her my drawings..She was impressed. I knew I had it in me...but it seems sometimes those around us..think of us as cleaners..taxi drivers...cooks..washers..ect...but heaven forbid creative!! lol
I love your stuff....I have nothing to compare it too...except there is always you in it...I could pick your stuff out of a group in a heartbeat...this is good..now to declare myself and be myself...this is what I strive for. Thank you for being you and encouraging others to be them selves!!
Hi E!
You are and shall forever be the reigning Queen of Cute...regardless what ME does or creates...
I LOVE your "style"...attention to minuscule details and tiny,adorable expressions make your creations uniquely "E". You are truly an inspiration to those of us who do (and do not) sew and create!
I love your things. They have your signature all over them. They are unique.
Have you decided on a time and place. Sounds like this would be a good week for you.
I can honestly say that I really like ME stuff, but I love E's stuff and I think the reason being is it's original and different and comes from you.
I love ME's blog and am looking forward to the new book!!
I adore owls--in fact there will be some in the fall banner swap!
I've been making my own patterns since I can't remember. It also helps that my job is a/project manager/designer (construction projects ) for the Army
Bravo to you for airing your thoughts! Your little owl is even light blue, how cute.
I know what you mean...
You little owl is still adorable though! Maybe you could start again and see if you can come up with one totally your own? Look at some pictures of real owls first, that should help and get your mind from felt already made ones!! I would love to see one made in your E style!
Dearest E,
I'm totally lost about the "ME" thing, I have no idea what you're talking about, but I do know that your work is quite your own. Besides you don't have a larcenous bone in your body so copying is totally out of the question. Never fear, my dear, we blogging friends have your back.
Love ya'
LOVE IT! I just love the whimsy style that you, Jenny B, and ME have...in fact, I am getting ready to adopt and interpret it in my own way in my playroom!
Elizabeth, I love all the owls you made, and the ME one too. My very favorite one is the little green one with all the feathers. Do you have a pattern for him someplace in your blog? I would love to try to make one of those. Your blog is filled with so many amazing and fun crafts, and you are such an inspiration to me!
Oh, I just can't tell you how much I adore your sweet owls, Elizabeth! Each one a treasure...I think, though...that the green one has definitely tweaked my heart! They're each adorable and uniquely you--even the ME one...but I really like your others better!
You DO have your own and very unique style--not to worry! I always know that when I stop by E's place for a visit, I will be enchanted and leave with a big smile on my face...
Thank-you, my friend!
Elizabeth, you have a very unique style. I saw the ME owl this weekend while reading that blog and thought it looked like YOUR owl! She says on her blog that she worked with felt for the first time this past February (in an earlier post). You have been crafting with it for a long time. To be honest, the first thought I had was perhaps ME's staff has been watching YOUR stuff! Who knows. I have been an ME fan for a long time and still am. But don't back away from your design. You are the queen of THIS craft!
Oh, I TOTALLY agree. I don't understand people who copy someone else's work and then claim it's "original." (Other than they just want to make money).
I'm with you, E. It's the creative process that is so fulfilling. While I look at others' work for inspiration or ideas, it's got to be my own.
Your work is original and precious. Don't ever change baby-cakes!
Love the owls. I think they are so sweet.
I love your felt creations. And thank your for the patterns. I'm hoping to make one up sometime soon. What type of felt do your recommend? Wool? Regular?
Thank you! I found the pattern! I just love that little feathered owl!
That is adorable, Elizabeth! I am back tracking the blogs that I follow as I had to take a time out for the arrival of a granddaughter! : ) You are so original and I just love your creations. Sometimes I find that with different ideas I can be so proud that I did something, but then come across someone's blog and it's been done. That's a downer, but at least many people put their own spin on things so some projects are not EXACTLY the same. {That makes me feel better anyway}.
I absolutely adore those little owls. How cute. I want your pin keep and I am sending a picture to my cousin, because she absolutely adores owls and she is going to go nuts over your creation. I love it. Thanks for sharing all the wonderful creations you make. They all are so amazing. Thanks again Elizabeth.
Have a Mad and Curious Day,
Wendy from Wonderland
Elizabeth I totaly understand. I love those owls. And I think you've got your own style. Usualy i only have to see a picture to reconize it.
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