Imagine my delight in discovering my mother-in-law's brother was a Door to Door screen door salesman in early 1950's California.My sister-in-laws all gave me a "So?" look as I squealed at each photograph seen.
They now know if I say, "It's a Blog Thing." I'm talking about CUTE and the women who enjoy CUTE. Can you imagine the stares traveling from door to door? Pun intended! These are Ruth's nephews.

Ruth was a Keeper of Memories, and so am I. Memories like these last more than one lifetime.
Was your mom's brother really a screen door salesman??? I love the two cowboys by the screen door. This reminds me of the other day going through my mom's pictures. I was looking for all the neat vintage pictures of her and my dad and my grandparents... So fun.
Jackpot! Elizabeth, isn't it wonderful to be in the midst of family who had no problem with you wanting the dude ranch/screen door photos??? No wonder you love the song The Story - it's your theme have so many to tell!
xoxo Nancy
Elizabeth dearest, please take a nap!!!!!!!! you are wearing me out with all your crafting......LOL. I wasn't able to view your past two posts until today...for some reason they wouldn't load. Thank goodness they showed up today. Thank you for sharing the joy of your auntie. God Bless.
Love ya'
I'm so happy that you have such a connection with Ruth. Those are wonderful pictures. The cowboys are so cute standing there. And I saved a copy of your cowboy and girl card. I love it, the colors are awesome! My MIL will be 90 on August 20th.
Hope you're having a nice evening. Hugs...Tracy :)
Oh that is just so cute!!! I can just see the looks of confusion on your SIL's faces! lol Don;t you just love the cowboy outfits?! You'll have to do a cowboy garland along one of these days!! Big hugs!
Isn't it the most wonderful things in the world to inherit treasures like that?!?! I've been that lucky girl many times in my family...such a gift!
I love your "keeper of memories" comment...that's the way I feel as well. I've always felt a responsibility to not only keep, but the teach my children and others about their people...just as you are doing.
Thank-you for giving us another peek into the story of your lovely family, Elizabeth!
Lovely treasures! What a sweet vintage graphic of the cowgirl & boy. Oh, yes, I miss our old screen door...there is no other with that sound as we ran in and out of it a billion times...wooden, with a little hook & eye (not that it was ever used). Once I saw in a magazine a screen door used for the kid's room - great idea.
You've got some really great family pictures! My family doesn't always understand my excitement over certain things either, but that's okay ~ I understand it! : ) I think the apparatus attached to the car to hold the screen door is interesting. I guess there was only so much you could do to get things like this home without minivans back then!
Yes my mother-in-law's brother was a screen door salesman in California!
Hi E!
I am SO STEALING every single image posted here! They are just TOO adorable...nothing sweeter than those 1950s buzz haircuts and the little cowboy/cowgirl gear! And the graphics are just wonderful...I will use them ALL...sooner than you think!
PS (I'll let you in on a next tag swap will have a western theme! SHhhhhhhhhhhhh)
Elizabeth, what priceless pictures! You know someone was into Roy Rogers, Hop Along Cassidy, et al! I hope you have boxes and boxes of pictures to go through! Have a great weekend! Nan
PS:I forgot to ask you on the 4th, is the corn knee high?
Wow, I'm so happy you have been given these treasures to hold and cherish. How honored you must feel to be able to share them, and in the process be honoring your Mother-in-Law. I'm smiling just thinking about your delighted reaction to it all. I would feel the same way, too! Thank God for our vintage photos.
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