Sunday, November 13, 2011

Invitation to Friendship

There simply has not been anything I have enjoyed more about this special Place to Be than the sharing of creativity and the opportunity to be inspired by others.

I have always been very shy about visiting others blogs and am always so happy when comments are left because to me they are invitations. It has been through these invitations that I have made unexpected friendships that have added so much joy to my life. Cindy of Prarie's Edge Farm left just such an invitation for me.

Cindy's happy ripples have inspired a What's on Hand craft cute as can be. A Gingerbread Tree Lot with candy colored trees for sale. Too too sweet and oh so easy to make.

Found in Michael's Christmas craft section for $1.00 apiece, unpainted wooden finger puppets that I snipped apart from their bases, hot glued back together, and painted with craft paint using white to highlight glitter after two coats of craft varnish have been applied. The very last of my October Afternoon Christmas paper pieced and glue sticked to the box, clear buttons equal SNOW! You do know that I love SNOW!

I do believe I will have to make Cindy's ripple afghan for my Make Over Room. It says "happy, happy, happy" to me with each colorful wave. Something new in the MOR? I know! Who could not come home with a red roofed dollhouse as wonderfully constructed as this one.

Some invitations don't lead to blogs at all but friendships through the mail. Tammy sent me a wonderful red and white round pot holder that needed it's own Place to Be. A vintage trellis brought to the ground by the Big White Puppy in Joe's yard had this MIL pleading for it to come home with me.

Perfectly perfect for displaying my vintage photograph greeting cards and favorite tags made by friends.

Perhaps you are shy as well and have come to this community to make a friend or two. I know my life has been blessed here, and I hope yours will be as well.


Debby said...

Hi Elisabeth. I just got home from Colorado late last night. I will mail the tags tomorrow. Sorry, I meant to before I left and it didn't happen. Maybe we can meet up when you are ready to remail the tags.

Perfectly Printed said...

Love the pictures of the tags. I agree with you, it is soooo fun to look at what others do. I am always amazed!! I am participating in the ornament swap that Cindy at Rick, Rack and Gingham is hosting. I struggled with what to create.... finally the finishing touches on them today and in the mail tomorrow.

Best to you

Celestial Charms said...

Cindy's tags are very charming, as are Tammy's. Love the cute little puppy that Tammy incorporated into her tags. So sweet. Your garden trellis idea is brilliant. I have a stone wall in my living room, that we just can't bear to put a nail through to hang anything, so now I think a trellis is in order! ;)
Have a wonderful day!

Denise said...

Your so much fun to visit!

Carol said...

I found your blog by way of Pinterest. I'm now following you and look forward to reading past and future posts.


Debby said...

Got your you want me to hold onto my tags until we get together or go ahead and mail them.

Protector of Vintage said...

Such talented bloggers!! I enjoy viewing the tags!

Unknown said...

Hi E!
I have had the world's worst cold for over 12 days no creativity yet, I am hoping to get them started this week! I love looking at all of these photos too! The colors get me giddy! And that is hard to do right now! Today is the first day I have felt half human......I just know I got this darn thing on the plane comin ghome from Eau Claire...I just know it! Lousy airplane air! LOL

Unknown said...

What a treat to visit today. I always see something new and fun. But, you know that ripple caught my eye right way. I can't wait for you to pick up a hook soon.

Hugs as always,
Kate - T.G.B. xoxoxox

Teresa said...

I was so happy to see your post today! I hope all is well. The tags are so cute & the afghan & red-roofed house are PERFECT for the fast approaching Christmas season! I can only imagine how cute it's going to look after your magic touch. Have a fantastic week & Thanksgiving! Teresa

busymartha said...

E, I just love your posts! Last night I went through all of them again! Love to see all your vintage images, especially the ones done by the artist who did your blog banner. Do you happen to know the artists name? I love seeing all the tags coming in, they are sweet as pie, Marilyn

Cheryl said...

You should make a stand for that cute as can be doll house and use that for the headboard for that bed!!! Wouldn't that be adorable? You could close the doors.... or leave them open... so cute!

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Hi E,
The very last of your October Afternoon Christmas paper?! OH NO!
I have started using out of my stash this year too. I can't wait to keep up their new Christmas line called, Holiday Style. I heard it has started shipping, so it will be in my hands soon!
The tags are so lovely! I have started making a few of them. I bet you are getting some great inspiration from them all!

Have a lovely day, Lindsey

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

These tags are just beautiful, Elizabeth! Such creative ladies! I only wish I had gotten up the courage to give the tags a try before you leave your blog. If nothing else, you have inspired me to try them.

Anonymous said...

This is my first time to your blog. May I ask where you ordered the tags from. They bring back so many memories that I would love to shower my parents with these tags.

Im a follower now, and looking for many things that you will teach me!!!


Musings from Kim K. said...

Such talented ladies. I can't wait to see everyone's creations start appearing on blogs. Your Gingerbread Tree Lot with candy colored trees for sale is ADORABLE! Here's another excuse to head to Michael's!!

Musings from Kim K. said...

PS. I forgot to mention how much I love your red roofed dollhouse. It reminds me of the one that I picked up this summer at the antique market. I featured it today on my blog.'s Josie's Christmas present!

Hugs, dear friend.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

They are all just beautiful! I should learn how to make them and take part next year! I love all of the bright cheery colors! Enjoy your week ahead, my friend! ♥♥♥

Lynn said...

The tags are simply adoreable! I love the new dollhouse! It is perfect for your make over room! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend and a blessed week ahead!

Carolyn said...

Hi Elizabeth,
I was so happy to see a post. I love the trellis idea. I can't wait to see how you transform the red dollhouse.

P.S. Hopefully I will be sending you some pictures soon, I have been busy.

Suz said...

The tags are wonderful, E. I always said my goal was to be in one of your tag swaps, I haven't reached that goal, and now you are leaving. I am always thrilled when you visit my spot, especially during these times when there is not a creation in site. Thank you for the joy and I am hoping you will reconsider or be around in another way.
Love and hugs,

My Vintage Mending said...

I am ever so close to being done. My painters have thrown such a wrench in my crafting schedule. I do hope to have them in the mail by Wednesday...lovely tags have already arrived. You lucky girl! The gingerbread man arrangement came out wonderfully....smiles...Renee

Cindy said...

I feel honored to be mentioned in your blog. I had to have my husband look at it! Did I tell you that you have been a big inspiration for me to start working with new colors? Thank you so much!
You tree lot is so cute. I just love working with miniatures these days.
Can't wait to see all those tags.

Cindy - Prairie's Edge Farm

Adeline Country Cottage said...

love love love coming here to read puts a huge smile on my face with so much to look at...thank you for making my day.

Tammy's in Love said...

Oh my goodness! My tags are in cyberspace! I forgot to take a photo of all of them completed so I quickly grabbed it up! Thank you for the kind words and your ever present encouragement, my dear imaginary friend, E!

Anonymous said...

Hi E! Ok - now are you going to reinvent that darling doll house! You might have to do a post on that! So cute... I can just see it now! Hugs, Patti