Sunday, April 3, 2011

Junk in the Trunk

Many individuals first came to know of my blog by eye spying my little Rolodex in a Group on Flickr and then through further investigation discovering my Photostream and then Blog. You do know I love a good mystery, and to me these Rolodex are as though you have opened a trunk long forgotten in the attic to find it filled with junk, the good kind!

This is such a perfectly perfect project to cull together all of those left over Scrapbooking Essentials and Doodads You Didn't Use to create your own craft room chronicle of all the projects you have made.

Wallet sized photographs are the best size to use for this project. Two for the price of a 4x6, I use my second print to make greeting cards or in a binder where I keep all of my patterns.

The company 7 Gypsies makes this Rolodex and includes manila cards which I only use as templates. Over time it is essential to create a card sturdy enough not to bow. I do this by tracing my template onto cardstock and printed papers for the front and back. These combined with photographs glued front and back create a "sandwich" nice and firm.

My Rolodex is like a book with many chapters. With each page turned you may find yourself visiting a favorite holiday or a work station in my craft room. Rule of thumb; however, I do make facing pages "go together" as these two spooky offerings do. Because the tops of the cards have been decorated with something obviously Halloweenish, the backs will as well as their facing pages. The tops of those second pages will not have anything at the tops so I can change subject with the next set of photos.

With go-together pages in place, I love to slip in what I call "tuck ins" which might be a favorite scrapbook feature, a greeting card, a fun vintage advertisement, or in the case here, a favorite childrens Valentine. Anything goes with this project!

I have been sent so many cute as can be What Nots I have saved especially for this project. This little Cracker Jack cowboy and holster are such fun with this very early made camping garland. I love the little marshmallows!

Because the template for your Rolodex is only the size of a playing card, don't be afraid to angle your photographs to create more space. It is such fun devising clever ways to expand the cards by decorating in every which direction. Here I have created an arch over this vintage married couple.

I hope you will be encouraged to look at unexpected items sent to you by friends in a new way. Vintage birthday candle holders,

doll clothes pins, cupcake banners, buttons and trims.

Keep your mind open to all "junk" being treasure, and your own Rolodex will reveal it's pages right before your eyes!


Teresa said...

Thank you Elizabeth for sharing how you put together this ultra cute rolodex. I love looking at all of your creative ideas! Have a great week! Teresa

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

What a great way to keep your creative ideas at hand, just like a photo album, Elizabeth! I have several altoid tin that I want to make as little photo holders. I will be using your sandwich method to put an accordian style "booklet" together with wallet size pictures that will fit inside each tin. I'm really enjoying gathering the little doodads that I want to add in to the pages themselves, but also to the top of the tin.

laurie -magpie ethel said...

Dang cute. I may need to make one myself!

Handmade Crafts Done While RVing Blog said...

I need to spend an entire week with you... Or maybe just pay you to re-do my rig with your talents - oh that would be so much fun.... Love the pictures... I am a button freak and was happy to see them..

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

I have always spied this wonderful creation of yours, Elizabeth....what fun indeed! It turned out wonderful♥

vivian said...

I love your rolodex! and also it reminds me of your other rolodex with all your blogger pal swap information!
I hope you had a great weekend!
oh! ps.. plans are in the making for a trip to OHio in sept!

BucksCountyFolkArt said...

Unique idea! And since they're not pasted down in a book, you can pick them up, and touch them, and drool...I mean....dream over them!

annemarie said...

Very lovely - your rolodex is certainly an inspiration center!

Hearts Turned said...

What a merry batch of joyfulness is collected on your rolodex, Elizabeth!

I love how they all have their separate identity while hanging there, but also collide together so wonderfully!

Hope you're having a perfectly perfect Sunday, dear friend...


Unknown said...

I have said before this is one of the first things I saw when I was lucky enough to find your blog...I was blown away then by your crativity and still am....I am so glad you held onto this and can go thru it and remember all those times! I am going to start one sooner or later....Got my box yesterday....WONDERFUL, thank you! Love ya! Sandy

Anonymous said...

When *did* I discover your blog??? I think it was way back when we were both writing more than crafting. You were writing your stories and I had my devotional blog.... what journey we go on!

Your rolodex is just precious, Elizabeth! ♥

Tamera's Craft Palace said...

wow--when i think rolodex i think of boring addresses & phone numbers on a wheel! This is so much CUTER!!

Paper Dolls said...

What an adorable memory "book"! Your creativity seems to be endless and the stories you tell as you show your creations or shopping adventures are wonderful! What a gift! What a gal!

Pieceful Bits said...

You have a knack for adding the extra little embellishments.
Too Sweet!

Suz said...

Oh, My, E. That is so much fun! i have enjoyed this journey with you so much. I am so sad that it is ending. I hope you will keep returning to us, maybe in another way!
You are a wonderful person and a very gifted artist!
Big hugs, my dear!

Anonymous said...

Making greeting cards at home is really a fun activity to have good time with family and friends. In fact it is becoming a trend to send hand-made greeting cards to show deep affection. It is also an art to make cards at home. You can utilize different waste and cheap things in making greeting cards by yourself.

adult greeting cards