"Who Me?" I laugh each time I think of the moment my grown son realized that WE were the Poor Babies shopping at the thrift stores on Payday.

I absolutely adore the days when friends will show their found treasures. I think to myself that I might possibly not know what I like If someone didn't show it to me first!

I also like the person I am becoming through the acceptance that there are those with much more and much less than myself. Sharing someone's good fortune who has much can be a difficult thing to learn. Not feeling guilty for what you have yourself is more difficult still.

My husband once mentioned to me that a wealthy friend never removed her wedding ring as I seemed to always be doing. I became indignant that he would even compare me to someone who had most likely never cleaned a toilet in their lives. Ugly. I felt so ugly after our argument.

"Who, Me? Yes, Me!" I have been a person light of heart for many years since this argument. Sharing in anyone's good fortune makes me fortunate as well.
we have never met correct, but I do believe this is me your talking about.
Such a cute little owl Havew fun.
Words to make you think.
Are you still visiting.
Dear Person of Fortune...I love your beautiful little cuckoo owl...with the sparkly eyes and I'm happy that you have it. I am, however, totally jealous of that incredible lampshade every time I get a little peek! xoxo Nancy
Oh dear - how did I miss the little bluebird perched on the side? You really are a Person of Fortune!!!!
That was supposed to say have fun and it was supposed to be after the "are you still visiting". Not awake yet.
I love the new look on your banner.
good morning, elizabeth1 you said, "I think to myself that I might possibly not know what I like If someone didn't show it to me first!"
I so agree! Blogging has helped to really know myself. Knowing what I like has helped me to know who I am. ♥
The owl is adorable!!!
I'm with you on the wedding ring thing. My husband and I work hard with our hands and never wear our rings to work, having come from a family of jewelers and seeing many a person come in and have a ring cut off their finger (if they were lucky) I NEVER wear my rings while I work. I know and he knows we were meant for each other and no amount of gold is ever going to show how much love there is.
As for shopping at the thrift store, that's the best place to shop on the planet, forget Tiffani's. LOL
Hope you have a great day!
You are absolutely right. One of my very best friends was an inheritance baby. He has never had to work a day in his life. One of the most miserable, unhappy souls I have ever met. Actually that is why we are no longer friends. I realized he was so negative it was hurting me. So much for money making you happy! You my dear with your questing spirit and thoughtful approach to life. Well you are rich beyond comprehension. Besides you can't get an owl like that at pottery barn!!:)
What a great post, Elizabeth...and I just love, love, love that owl clock, and the lampshade...and everything else I get a glimpse of in your photos!!! Your home must be so charming, filled with all your special finds and wonderful art! Have a fun weekend! xo Paulette
HI. I tried to email you and it won't go through. Here is my email
Anyday but Thursday works for me.
Love your thoughts tonight, Elizabeth...as always!
Your owl clock completely enchanted me--I LOVE him! Where did you ever find something so wonderful?
Thanks for always so graciously sharing your sweet stories and life lessons learned...
Wonderful clock E! I love the wallpaper too, just darling!
Remember what Jesus said, "If you have two coats, give one to someone who has none." and "Love one another as I have loved you."
I find myself living in JOY! Jesus first, Others next, Yourself last. It works and I am happier because of it!
i am in love with this owl and with your blog. I just found you and i'm having the best time browsing :) We are certainly kindred spirits! I'm nosey and wanna see that lamp shade in the pic too!
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