Directions: Inexpensive craft felt works wonderfully for this project as an array of colors can be found this time of year. The circle base will just fit onto the 9 1/2 X 8" pieces found at your craft stores.
Button stitch rabbit in place, his nose, and tack on his beaded eye.
I used pencil to write out my "Chocolate Rabbit". Three strands of floss will just cover your lines; so don't at all worry about them. Outline stitch. Button stitch two circle bases together three strands floss.
Eggs: I used matching colored thread, three strands. Eggs are attached with three knot stitches at the base of egg hiding thread between layers. Watch your spacing! There should be a small space between each egg.
Ironing: I just love watching the steam work it's magic on the felt to meld the pieces into one. I begin from the back lightly holding iron in each spot for seconds. An even lighter pressing on the front. Don't let your piece get too flat!

Can you just picture my school drive past the Jefferson Memorial as the cherry blossoms fell like snow in the first of spring's breezes. I would roll down my window and let my palm sail the air currents of pink petals. These were my favorite days.
This is just so cute, Elizabeth! I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog and seeing your beautiful projects. My style has always been very primitive, but now I am starting to like these brighter, cheerful colors. And thanks for the patterns.
Elizabeth..I was able to get this one on a penny rug..so cute..but out of curiosity..what does penny rug mean?
The other one on the Good Housekeeping Magazine..I still can't get on..and it's not showing up in your Feb.posts...I too ck and re-check my post..and even read them out loud..the dog thinks I'm a little looney..lol
Cindy from Tx
Elizabeth, I LOVE your penny rugs! This one is so cute! I not only love your artistry with stitches, but your creativity of design. You are amazing. (Imagine me bowing to you) Have a great day! Twyla
You are so clever. I will be adding this lovely penny rug to my "make it" list.
Just got caught up on your blog and thought that the idea of leaving your children information about your friends and your work was wonderful! I also love your retro kitchen idea (although I don't do anything like that) and that card by Vintage Chic was right up my alley - I too only have a kitchen because it came with the place (ask my son!) :o)
Hi E,
Very cute penny rug, and those colors are awesome. Having read most of all your posts, you loved to stick your hand out to float on the breeze quite a bit.....didn't you? I still do!
That Easter Penny Rug is the cutest thing I've ever saw!!! I wish I had your talent!
This is adorable! I have craft club tonight and I think I will be taking along felt and floss to work on. Everyone else will be knitting or crocheting and I will have lovely little eggs to stitch. :-)
I love all your penny rugs, but this one is so perfectly Spring-like with all those yummy pastel colors. so pretty!
this is absolutely adorable. I cannot wait to start making it. I have all the felt, and now have a project for this evening.
Thanks for sharing...love your projects and stories.
smiling from ear to ear!
hugs to you!
Oh Elizabeth, your Easter penny rug is so adorable! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!
You lucky! My local craft store (Michaels) never has an array of craft felt colors like you have in this. WAH! Major craft envy over here. SOB!
What a cute project!
Holy cow, Elizabeth!!! (Do I say that every time you post a new penny rug?) This one is so adorable - little egg-shaped pastel "pennies"! I love it.
You amaze me! Thanks for sharing your wonderful patterns. You're so generous besides being so creative. Your penny rugs are so fresh and fun. Thanks again, Nan
What a beautiful creation...it makes me so ready for springtime and warmer temperatures....thanks for sharing!
I've been yearning to make a penny rug! This one looks like the perfect one to try. And I can't wait for the tulips to bloom either! Until the squirrels come along and snap them off and carry them away!
This is so cute!
I love your creations... you are so talented! I am wondering if I could share your felt tutorials on my website? It is a collection of free felt patterns and tutorials.
I love the bunny pattern and the strawberry pattern. I have downloaded them both and started the bunny one. Thank you.
It is for the first that I just visited your site and I find it really interesting! Congratulations!
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