Thursday, January 14, 2010


I have had such fun bringing to life the characters of my Gnome Party.

Crafting for me is the legacy given to me by my mother. What a magical place her studio was for a young girl. Shelves filled with every sort of interesting thing. Drawers to be opened, fingers marveling to sense what the imagination could bring to life.

Nothing was off limits in my mother's studio. Oils taken to paint rocks, background cloths to become doll clothes and hide away places. Brush strokes added after my mother's hand. Never once in my young life did my mother ever speak an unkind word to me.

A quiet girl always alone needed the safety of imagination to create a world for herself. The breath of creativity filling days with joy.

I love my craft room and it's shelves filled with treasures to eye spy. My mother is close to me in this place, and her praise is kind.



Lisa Phillippi said...

Oh I would love to adopt a peg doll and her pet rabbit! They are simply adorable!

Hope said...

Gosh...I just love these peg-gnomes of yours! This whole Gnome party has really brightened my dark dreary corner of the UK! Thanks!

annemarie said...

Your little peg doll and rabbit would love to come and live at my house!!

Linda said...

I've SO enjoyed watching the antics in your little gnome world. Finding one of your peg dolls and her rabbit at my door would be such a treat!

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Elizabeth, we would welcome her in and her little rabbit too! So sweet of you to let her go. We are enjoying the gnome party! Twyla

Unknown said...

Dear Annemarie, I would love to chat with you. Will you contact me at Looking forward to hearing from you! E


Hi Elizabeth,
I would so TREASURE the peg doll and her little friends if I were to win her.
Thank you for a chance to win.
Your Mom was awesome
Deb :)

Pieceful Bits said...

I most like the stories you tell of your mother, her love & creative soul.
Your peg doll is adorable and bonus points for her little bunny too.

★Carol★ said...

Pick me! Pick me! I'm so glad I popped in. I'm finally working on the New Year Baby tag, and I needed to look at yours. I think Ms. Gnome could be verrry happy here!
Have a great evening!

vivian said...

You have such lovely memories of your life. You are very blessed E. I hardly remember anything! I imagine your own children never heard a bitter word from you either. Your gnomes are sweet. Jennifer (my daughter) called me tonight to tell me that at Michaels there are martha stewart stickers and stuff with gnomes, mushrooms and ladybugs. I'll have to go see them soon!
have a wonderful joy filled weekend!

Nan said...

You were so blessed with such a wonderful Mom who gave you so much encouragement and love it shows in you today. I must try and make a peg doll with the pattern you posted they are darling. I'm going to post some gnomes I made over on my blog I have made in the past. Nan

manda said...

hmmm, I'm not sure I could accept the rabbit too. They're illegal to keep in QLD....but I'm sure what the government doesn't know won't hurt them!
You inspired me with your chipmonks and now I'm working on a pattern of my own!

Paula Clare said...

Your peg doll/gnome girl scene is beyond looks like a whole little fantasy world! I LOVE it! However do you come up with these things? The tree and the little button mushrooms...the pipe cleaner creatures and the little chipmunks! Oh, it's a woodland wonderland!

I have been drooling over your picture for nearly an hour...I'm SO GLAD to know wonderful, creative YOU!

Scrap for Joy said...

Your gnome home has become a delightful place to visit! I have a lovely guestroom that would welcome a certain little blond girl and her rabbit, too! My door is always open. (You were right about Nan's blog-it was so interesting!) Joyce

Vintagesquirrel said...

I am SO willing to give them a happy home!

PattieJ said...

OOOOOH I would LOVE One of your little peg dolls and her bunny friend!!! SOOO adorable!!

ImagiMeri said...

Although I've already packed my gnomes away (Christmas gnomes)your giveaway would be happy to share their home with them.........I just know it to be true. I hope you pick my name, I'd be so happy!


Betty said...

What a magical little place you've created!

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, you make the CUTEST things! Wish I had your talent. I just read your post about Uncle Roy, too, and went back to read another post about him.Great stories!Blessings,
Sarita Boyette

corry said...

It's a little party every time I visit your blog. Your gnomes display is so adorable, cute. Thanks for sharing all your inspiration with us Elizabeth.

Unknown said...

I would love a pegdoll and bunny! Just what I need right now to make me start painting my room! :) Such kind words of your Mom...she soulds very special....just like you! :)

Anonymous said...

Bless you Elizabeth. For over a year you have inspired me. I look forward every day to reading your blog. Thank you.

Sandy Shirley said...

Such beautiful pictures! I would love to give one of your peg dolls (and pet rabbit) a good home!

♥ meninheira ♥ said...

Oh please, enter me! :)

Thanks for the giveaway
hugss from Spain
meni ^-^

GardenOfDaisies said...

Your little gnome peg dolls are sooooo adorable and I would LOVE one! Going to go check out the Gnome party.

Unknown said...

Oh goodness, How could I have missed this? Holly from Girls at Heart told me to get over here last week...I'm kicking myself for missing this! How cute and wonderful and over the top. I had no idea our minds and mothers were so linked! Long live the land of gnomes. My gnomes are up in their clubhouse for the winter months but they came down to peek. Little Chap said that he knows some of your gnome creations...they have been talking, while were not looking. Play, play, play!

Loretta Castorini said...

I'm new to this blogging thing, but I've posted one of my favourite gnomes for you (on my blog cause I couldnt figure out how to send it to yours- the shame!!). Anyway, I too LOVE gnomes! Enjoy!!


Anonymous said...

What a creative gift your mother has passed on to you! How blessed you are!!

I would be honored to have miss peg doll and her pet rabbit come to my home!


Raggedy Ann said...

Oh how sweet! I could give them a happy home. C:

Sally Annie Magundy said...

Oh Elizabeth (emphasis on the "whiz" teehee!)! Your post really tugged at my heart. I loved reading about your mom and your relationship with her. How wonderful to have a crafty mommy! My mom would dabble but never finish anything - sadly I inherited that tendency from her. My mother and I would go to dollhouse miniature shows together, needlework shows, quilting shows, etc. - gosh, I miss her so much sniffle sniffle.

Standing on my tippy toes and raising my hand - oh oh oh - yes please, I would so love a little gnome girl of my very own, to love and cherish and would welcome her dear rabbit friend into the family heartily. :)

You are the sweetest of souls to share your cuties with us. Thank you!

Happy weekend!

Hi! My name is erica. Would you be my friend? said...

Such sweet memories you have of your mother! :) And sweet blue and red gnome friends!

Lulu at Home said...

How I love all the clear bright colors in this collection of photos. Your peg dolls are WONDERFUL!! And what a special memory you shared. Remembering childhood creativity with a loving mother is treasured memory for certain!

Lisa said...

Your little gnomey friends are adorable! Such a bright, cheery spot in this dreary Ohio January.

Mrs Twins said...

Just love your Gnomes Elizabeth, I must show my Mother. You have a lovely creative area, and very kind memories of your Mother. Her talents definitely were passed on to you.
Have a lovely weekend,
Hugs and Love Suex

Celestial Charms said...

Who wouldn't love to win these 2 beautiful creations. I've got my fingers crossed!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love all of the things you make, Elizabeth and I am so happy to see you crafting again! I love gnomes and little peg dolls! I would be thrilled to win! Thanks! Have a wonderful weekend!

Jikkes said...

Oh my...this is so cute!
I LOVE her....we will all LOVE her and her sweet little rabbit....amazing!

X Maureen

Christy said...

i'll have a sweet home for your little gnome! thank you elizabeth! happy gnome party!

Unknown said...

She is adorable, my little girl woud love to add her to her dollhouse I know.
Just found your pretty blog, thanks for the inspiration. Your thoughts on your mom were so nice--hope my kids remember me that way:)

Gill said...

what a fun giveaway! thank you

Linda said...

Too cute! I would love to give them a home.

sarah said...

Well, you know our peg doll family can never be big enough! So glad to see you still making them! I'm enjoying the gnome party -- it's all so cute!

Mom Wald said...

Anyone who could love a little peg girl would of course adopt a wee bunny!

Thank you for inspiring our new year.

Come on over to to visit even if I don't win. There's always room for more friends!

Pattyjo said...

Your peg dolls are so cute! I have admired them on your blog and think your very talented to create them.
Thanks for the chance at one.

Carey said...

OMG I love your blog. I love all the vintage images. I will be following.

Carey from chicory nits blog

dm designs said...


I'm about to feature you in my Thursday's TOP TEN :) .... take a peak!

Anonymous said...

Hearing your story as a young girl brings many fond memories of my own mother. My mom made all of the girls clothes, undergarments, and coats by hand. The excitement she created in each of us as she sewed her next project is something I will always cherish. Thank you so much for sharing with us. May you be richly blesssed in all you do.