Oh My Goodness! Sometimes I overwhelm myself with cuteness. I am always so surprised by the characters that appear before my eyes as I take stitches not knowing quite where they will lead. A Peppermint Santa Clause to share with you!
Click on Image, File, Print Preview, choose the size that is right for you, Print. (your circles should be round, lol!)
HEAD: Hold beard piece in place to determine position for eyes, two strands floss. (I stitch the cheeks first making it easy to center eyes.) Button stitch 3/4" strip of flesh to face front and back, stuffing with fiberfill just before closing. Stitch mouth, Tack stitch beard in place, tack stitch mustache.
TRIM: One inch strips of white felt are cut slightly longer than hat edge piece. Strips are cut in half lengthwise and stacked on topped of each other, 4 in all. One long edge is button stitched to hold pieces together. Each strip is snipped at 1/8" intervals without cutting button stitches. HAT: Form cone shape, button stitch from bottom edge towards top, folding under point of hat and also catching cut strips of white felt for hat pom. Trim is tack stitched to hat. Hat can be hot glued or stitched to head at a jaunty angle.
Head is tack stitched to body until secure.
TRIM: A short and long strip of created trim are tacked to one red coat front. I have saved these vintage shiny buttons for just the right project, this is the one! Button stitch a one inch strip of red around body front. Button stitch to body back stuffing with fiberfill just before closing. Small snips are made on side strip for arms and legs.
Peppermint arms and legs are created by twisting red and white chenille stems together, cut length in half, insert into small opening until desired length is exposed. MITTEN: Button stitch sides, slip over arm, button stitch closed.
FEET: Cut small slits near back edge of shoes. Button stitch shoes closed, insert legs which are bent at right angles at ankles, tack stitch to secure legs.
Oh My Goodness Again! This Peppermint Santa is sweeter than sweet!
He looks perfectly at home with other craft room creations awaiting their special holiday.