Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Step Together, Next in Line

I was so surprised yesterday to find a very long line waiting for me at my Post Office. Each person seemed to have in their hands a package to mail. I had three. In my mind I thought many of the boxes would soon be on their way to loved ones serving their country.

The line was moving along nicely, step together, "Next in Line!" not a word to be heard. I noticed the man in front of me struggling to decide what type of envelope or box he needed to send what he held in his hand. Priority, Express, First Class, You Pick the Class, Ship it Yourself, or else! (Saturday Finds)

Being a seasoned shipper myself now, I suggested the $4.95 Priority box, Any Weight Goes and had him fill out the matching label. His item just barely did not fit, but I assured him the postal worker would offer him FREE tape.

Step Together, "Next in Line!", the gentleman spied a Ship it Yourself envelope that seemed a better size for his item. I told him to keep the label in case he could use it on the envelope. Step Together, "Next in Line!   

"Are you sending your Ship it Yourself, Priority! No? Then you don't need this label! Move to the side and Do It Again. NEXT IN LINE!"    Snowman Tutorial

I apologetically stepped forward and made note of the Postal Worker's name badge, "Hemelbergerschlagel, Jack". "Sir, it's my fault he used the wrong label. We tried to be prepared!" He smiled at me and thanked me for my courtesy. AND THEN I SAID TO HIM,

"Is your first name really, Hemelbergerschlagel"?

Thank goodness my neatly brown paper wrapped packages were already stamped "YOU A.." as he looked up at me and said, "It's Jack. NEXT IN LINE!"



  1. I love the Snornament boys! I got a new (to me) vintage mustard jar that will make a fine head for a snowball head! I needed a little inspiration too!


  2. Love your decorated jars!! Hoping you're enjoying your 4th!


  3. Cute story.Darling art as always.Denise

  4. Wishing you a festive 4th. Loving your jars. Your patriotic hat inspired me to create my own. It's gracing my table today. Hugs.

  5. Did Jack really say that. Don't you love a line at the PO.
    I have my little star in a picture on my last post. The picture is a bit dark but he is on the right looking pretty sparkly.
    Happy Fourth.

  6. Stanley says HELLO! and we both wish you a wonderful 4th!

  7. Seems I have a similar instances at my local post office as well. Happiest of 4th's to you and yours. Smiles...Renee

  8. I use the mailing kiosk in the lobby. That way I seldom have to stand in! You make everyday an adventure. Do you have the address for our friend we wish to surprise with a blog tag? I hope I'm not being indiscreet...but I do so want to send her one.

  9. What a post office story! ;) Wishing you a beautiful 4th of July!! xo Heather

  10. I try to use the self service machine as much as possible. Unfortunately, you have to use a 'human' to mail international packages. I swear I NEVER fill out the correct customs form! It shouldn't be that confusing! ;p

    Poor guy. He'll never go to the post office all your red, white and blue! hope you had fun with the kids. ;p

  11. Oh what sweet creations!! Love those jars :) :) Hope you had a wonderful 4th!! xo Holly

  12. Your decorated jars are so inventive! And beautiful! And the snowmen remind me that cooler days will come.

  13. It has gotten so confusing, going to the PO! Don't use this box, don't use that label, blah blah blah. Fortunately we have a sweet little satellite PO in our little hardware store and the clerks are always so friendly and helpful. Have a wonderful weekend E! xoxo Nan

  14. A big thank you for helping that gentleman. Love all of your creations and your blog. I will be sure to follow. Such talent you have. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Ha! I got that a lot when my employee badge said Radhakrishnan first in big letters, then Marguerite in small letters - you're not the only one!

  16. “I was looking for this information in search engines and thank god I got this information here. Thanks a lot”


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