My nephew's graduation party was a gathering of the Ya Ya Sisterhood. I have six sister-in-laws! Chairs in a circle that ever expands as our daughters draw close to hear our stories, their babies bare chested to catch any wisp of cool air. We have come together to celebrate the friendship of women as our patriarch begins her journey home.
In the last few days, Ruth has awakened from her lengthening sleep calling out the names of her childhood friends.

As we pass from hand to hand the photos of her youth I like to think our laughter reaches her in the way the sunlight reaches us through the ancient tree above our heads.

Glimpses of bright blue water and deep forest green. The thrill of graduation independence, a last summer to share, responsibilities not yet settled on the shoulders.

Careers will begin and set aside when hoped for love finds it's way to them. Homes and families will fill their days, and they will watch children napping on blankets spread within their own gathering circle.

Ruth has been blessed with daughters who are friends, whose children are friends, whose children will be friends.

She begins her journey home this weekend as the friendship of women hold her heart within their own.