Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Gangster Squad

You might not believe this about me, but I have a dark side. I love the romanticized ideal of being on the wrong side of the law. The motion picture side of the wrong side of the law. The Gangster side of the law.

I would like to have been a gangster's moll not having to do anything at all but look glamorously slim in beautiful satin gowns at swanky nightclubs and sleeping in until three the next day having only gotten in at two.

Of course my heart would still reside in it's deep-seeded Midwestern values keeping it open to the persuasion of a handsome law abiding copper.

I always look for the moment a bellhop or doorman appears in a scene with their smartly buttoned coat and hat at just the right tilt. "Delivery for you!" The 1930's are my favorite time in our history, and all of my characters reflect this era.

My daughter and I just went to see "Gangster Squad" set in 1930's Los Angles. We were so excited to see her Depression Era dishes, Desert Rose, featured in a breakfast scene and the cutest vintage nursery wallpaper in another. It had little ducks on it just like this sweet little guy.

We had such a fun evening together, but my TSG does not allow ANY talking, and boy do I love to point out the background detail. This move is a MUST SEE for all the wonderful vintage detail.

The performances in "Gangster Squad" by Josh Brolin and Sean Penn are riveting.

And Ryan Gosling as a very dapper cop of the type that make you swoon!

His romance with Emma Stone's character is very sweet. I won't spoil it for you by telling you if they end up together by story's end.

What fun I have had creating my Easter Squad of characters. I absolutely love every one of them, and I hope you do as well!

Thank you so much: 
Carla Easter Chick and Easter Duck
Kim K. Love Birds Set 1
Joyce Delivery Man
Amy Jo Bluebird
Lorraine Love Birds 2
Susan Shirley


  1. I loved the Waltons too! Your little Easter characters are so cute! :) x

  2. I'm not allowing myself a purchase tonight due to the fact that I won't be living rent free very much longer! lol But I'm SWOONING over each and every one! Just like I swoon over Ryan Gosling! I'm so glad that you recommend this movie Elizabeth! I had heard one bad review and I let it prevent me from seeing it. And I love to see vintage settings and props in movies...not to mention Ryan!
    Thanks E! :)

  3. carla rives sevircc@AOL.comIMarch 5, 2013 at 5:24 AM

    I would love your Easter chick and Easter Duck. I have admired your work for awhile. Would love to purchase these 2 items. My email is sevircc@AOL.com. Please let me know how to pay for them. Thanks Carla Rives

  4. You are having your very own Easter parade! You've been busy and aren't they ever so darling!!! I would love to order (Love Birds Set One) if they are still available. kenwardk@gmail.com

  5. Elizabeth, I am dying for your easter Duck with the springy neck! I knew when you last showed him that I was needing to have him! I didnt read above yet, so I hope hes available!
    happy tuesday!

  6. I love the Easter Delivery figure. Who wouldn't love to see flowers and a bunny at your doorstep? If he's available , I'd love to give him a good home. Thanks E. I love Ryan Gosling's eyes. Thanks for the movie review. (David doesn't like any talking during a movie...so hard for me! LOL!)

  7. Hi there,

    I would love to buy the bluebird! He is darling....you can contact me at clarkenvironmental@yahoo.com

    Amy Jo

  8. Your post is so springy! I feel as though the holidays are passing me by but that's okay. I'm sure that next year, I'll be on board with each holiday and season!

    Thanks for reccomending the movie. I'm like TSG I don't like anyone to talk during a moive! I have to watch anything with Josh Brolin in it because I loved him so as Jimmy Hitchcock in the Young riders TV show in the 90s. :)

    I'm going to go read your Shirley Temple Post. I probably did before but I just love her so much since she looked so much like my mom.

    Have a wonderful day dear Elizabeth!

  9. Elizabeth, I love how you intersperse your creations with your anecdotes. I get double the fun.

    If the second set of lovebirds is not spoken for, I would love to purchase them. lorraine at creative.i@verizon.net

  10. Elizabeth! I would love to buy your first set of lovebirds! They are cute and have a quirky look about them:) WOW!!!! I love all of your darling characters! I'm running to the post office sometime before work today let me know if set 1 of the lovebirds is still available ...if it is I'll add it into the cost of the check for the bunny :)

  11. Your Easter crafts are so precious! I am not allowed to spend right now, which is very hard for a crafter. But my husband just got some gift cards for the movies, so we might go see this one.

  12. I would like the duck and blue bird clay figures, if still available

  13. Hi Elizabeth! I love your sweet little characters you made. You really have such a talent for making these little darlings come to life! Love them and their stories.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  14. Your Easter characters are just adorable! I love the 1930's as well.

    BTW just a bit of trivia..In high school I dated the "REAL" Erin Walton's son!!

  15. Hi Elizabeth,

    I'd like to have Shirley, please. I don't see where anyone else has claimed her. As always, so cute!
    Susan sissyfox1@yahoo.com

  16. I would like to buy any one of the following if they are available the Easter delivery gentlemen, Bluebird, Easter Duck, or the Easter chick. If none of these are available I would like to buy one of your felt ducks. Love them all!
    Warmly chris

  17. Such sweetness you have created!! I love them all, I was looking to see about the second set of love birds, but I think they have been spoken for a couple of times lol.
    :) Holly

  18. Your paperclay characters are so clever. I love to see what you create.I made two bunnies from your tutorial and both of my granddaughters have asked for them.They are 3 and 5.Now I need to make a few more so I will get to keep at least one. Thanks so much for the inspiration and tutorials.You are my fave. ginny

  19. Yes, I can see you and Humphrey Bogart together! "Liz and Boggie" has a nice ring to it :-)
    I love those 1930's movies the best too!
    I am loving my new sailor duck, he is so cute!

  20. What a cute cast of characters!


  21. These little Easter creations are so cute, Elizabeth! Just what we need to balance out the snow a lot of folks are getting this week. I received my paper clay duck and cart and he is even cuter in person!
    Pat from Colorado

  22. I loved the Gangster Squad too...the clothes, the furniture, the cars,and the wife's kitchen! Just let me live on that movie set and I would be happy, happy, happy!!!

  23. This is a really good read for me. Must agree that you are one of the best bloggers I ever saw. Thanks for posting this informative article.


Your kind words mean so very much to me. Thank you for your visit! Elizabeth