Saturday, July 21, 2012

Wise Old Owl

I know it is the middle of summer, but inspiration seems to have no seasonal boundaries. I smiled with every stitch taken as this very fat and wise owl appeared before my eyes.

When I went to file his photo away on my computer, his autumnal colors drew my eye to previous projects with the same color pallet. A most favorite paper garland made with ME images.

I do think I will have to add it to the list of crafts I have been remaking for my craft room. Scotties in sweaters, too cute!

I especially love his stripy legs! Seasonally challenged? You bet when characters this cute need to make their presence known!

Pattern for personal use only.


  1. I love your brother's attitude. Do those people put signs in their yards to say that their kids go to those the ones for sports around here. How snotty.
    I like the name Branch.
    I can see why you worry about your husband. Our friend that is now retired but a pilot always wears shirts with holes in them and could care less what people thought of him. So hope that helps.
    A sressful day here as I watch my son on TV (the Colorado shootings). Today he is at the apartment. Last night.....I don't even want to tell anyone what his job was. Being a wife, sister, and mother can be so hard. (((((HUGS))))

  2. I forgot, I so love the owl. I am into cute owls right now and this is the cutest.

  3. I agree with your "Wise Owls", Mz E--no one person is better than the other. I hope you have a lovely time at the party, too! A-n-d....I LOVE your owl! Especially the tiny bits of feather tufts! How original! I am going to attempt to make one, as I am "into" owls, but if you EVER place YOUR owl for sale-I want to be first in line to buy him!!!! Thanks!

  4. Hi,
    I agree with those wise owls you have in your court! At our children's high school it seemed those that made the sports teams and found lots of time on the field were children of the parent's that ran the Booster program. I remember showing up to pick up my son from football practice in the summer before school started and he had to stay over because another player's Mother had brought brownies and milk from them. I just shook my head! Brownies and Milk for 15-17 boys who had just finished with two a days in the hot sun and humidity, Eric came out in a hurry. Coach said they could leave and for go the milk and brownies. LOL hold you head high today!!

  5. Oh, I can so relate, Elizabeth! I've spent a good part of my life "not fitting in", but finally figured out that it's okay! I remember a friend talking about a certain gated community here where, he said, many people kept their curtains drawn because they didn't want people to see that they couldn't afford any furniture - LOL

    I've never heard of putting camp signs in your yard - sounds pretty "tacky" to me!

    Cute owl! Hope you did enjoy the picnic, with the help of your wise owls.

  6. Great owl....whooo is going to enjoy the picnic? You!

  7. Thanks E. for your concerns. Just a worried Mama today.
    My friend that is the retired pilot lives at Buckeye Lake. His name is Skip. COuld that be where you are going. His wife is Cindy and very nice. If it is, she will talk to you.

  8. Love your Wise Owl and your brother!! I love that you share him with us through your many tales. Go and have a blast at the picnic knowing that there are others who feel like they won't fit in and would love to meet you! My grands are in all sorts of activities and the ones they enjoy the most are the "homemade" kind...LOL!xoxo

  9. Sometimes you have to wonder who really wants to sign up for those camps ~ the Moms or the kids, Elizabeth. I'll bet Branch has more fun at the YMCA than any of those other kids.

  10. you are so clever, you really bring your characters to life! thank you for sharing all your patterns, that is most generous. alas, my hands don't work so well with tiny pieces, but i so enjoy seeing all that you accomplish!

  11. you are so clever, you really bring your characters to life! thank you for sharing all your patterns, that is most generous. alas, my hands don't work so well with tiny pieces, but i so enjoy seeing all that you accomplish!

  12. Funny you post about ths today...visiting with my son-in-law today we had a similar conversation. Our brother is a wise old owl, such words of wisdom. Hoping you enjoy the picnic, you have so much to be proud of! How many people can say they friends all over the world waiting daily to see what new crafts have been created by them?

    Bragging signs in the yard?? So tacky!!!!


  13. Well this one hits too close to home, as the wife of an exceptionally popular working husband I rarely even get asked what it is I do? Outings involving his employees are the most miserable. Wisdom beyond years would do me good...smiles...Renee

  14. The ME banner is really fun to look at! I love the bright colored sweater on the Scottie!


  15. Your brother and husband are so right. Money doesn't make anyone better. Besides, who wants to fit in with snooty folks? A friend here enrolled her two older kids in a YMCA camp and put them on airplane to the States to be picked up by their aunt while she took her youngest son to Poland for a Little League tournament. There's also something to be said for kids just having down time. Not everything in life needs to be scheduled. Have a great day! Tammy

  16. another wonderful story.. I think I really like your brother! I hope you had a wonderful time at the pilots picnic. Whether you fit in there or not.. you sure do fit in here! different strokes for different folks!
    love ya lots E!!

  17. Was that for real? Handwriting camp? Please tell me that was a joke!
    I totally agree with other comments here. Kids are so scheduled now-a-days, I feel sorry for them. They need down-time just as much as we do. Time to rest, relax, use their imaginations without someone else telling them exactly what to do and what rules to follow.
    So, tell us how the picnic went! Don't leave us in suspense!

  18. Loved this story and seeing all your colorful craftroom friends!

    When I feel out of place at the university climbing gym- I just focus on my boys instead of me because they are the reason I'm there. I do admit to dressing a bit more young when I go there, though. :)

  19. Oh Elizabeth! I hope you guys had a lovely time yesterday! I'm glad you have the council of two such wise owls. :)

    I go through life feeling not good enough and an outsider, looking in. Plagued with insecurity. Thankfully it has eased a (wee) bit with the advance of years and gaining of wisdom that many people feel the same way - that I am not alone.

    And even if others think themselves better, no one ... No one, is better than anyone else. Ever.

    I'm not a fan of pretentiousness and self importantance, no sirrie. Blech.

    On to the fun stuff! Thanks so much for sharing your darling owl with us.

    Happy Sunday!

  20. Such a sweet owl, and very cute banner :)

  21. Hi Elizabeth!! The sweetest owl!! Wishing you had a wonderful time at the picnic! You definitely are blessed with such wonderful men in your life!! xo Heather

  22. I'm glad I don't have young kids anymore to worry about all that. It is always worrisome to be in around a new group. I hope the picnic went well. You're lucky to have a wise brother-I have one of those too! I love the owl you made and also the cute salt and peppers(I think). How cute.

  23. Certainly one of the most adorable owl I've ever seen.
    Ed Butowsky

  24. what a cutie! Thanks for sharing

  25. I love your owl and will have to make one for my daughter! I have been out of town and not had a chance to check your site. I was however scrolling through and saw this handsome bird. So happy I didn't miss him! Thanks again for another great project! Can't wait to see what you come up with next!

  26. If you ever wish to bid farewell to this cheeky little guy, I will be more than happy to have him come live with me! Hugs,

  27. I am wondering what kind of felt you use and where you buy it. Is it real wool felt or is it synthetic?

    Laurel in MN

  28. Superb article! THanks you so much for this wonderful share.

  29. I wonder how you got so good. This is really a fascinating blog, lots of stuff that I can Get into. One thing I just want to say is that your Blog is so perfect!

  30. I really love this post I will visit again to read your post in a very short time and I hope you will make more posts like this.


  31. Don't you love all the stuff you can find if you take the time to look!A Wise Old Owl
    Thanks for sharing it.


Your kind words mean so very much to me. Thank you for your visit! Elizabeth