Friday, July 27, 2012

Flamingo Button Keeper Tutorial

Have you taken the Button Keep Challenge? It's only almost August and not at all to late to begin. A button keep for each month of the year, twelve projects to bring you lots and lots of smiles. I have represented the Perfectly Perfect Purveyor of all things Floridian for my kitschy topper.

There was not one single doubt in my mind that my August Button Keep would represent Florida at it's heyday of seashell souvenirs. There is just something about teeny tiny seashells attached to household items that just sends me.

SUPPLIES: Gathering together possible supplies needed was not an easy thing in the heart of the Midwest. Thank goodness Michaels has seashells by the oodles to purchase inexpensively. I printed my vintage FLORIDA postcard wallet size and cut apart each letter. (I ended up not using wire)

LID: The cutest of canning jars purchased a dozen for $7.00 at WalMart. Trace lid on cardboard, cut out. Trace cut out on back of blue area of map atlas, cut around drawn circle, enough room to later pink edges. Glue stick to white card stock, pink around drawn line.

Cut strip of cardboard width of jar lid edge, hot glue to edge of lid. (Note slight space) Glue lid seal to inside of ring, optional. Build up depression in lid with several layers of cardboard. Cut white card stock strip and map strip slightly wider than cardboard strip. Pink edge of either map strip or white strip. Hot glue to cardboard strip on lid. Hot glue pinked round to lid. Now for the fun part!


An optional step, but one that truly gives this craft it's umph, lightly apply two coats of Modge Podge to lid and strip as well as cut out letters.

Hot glue main shells in place after finding pleasing arrangement.

FLAMINGO:  Bend stem end into teardrop shape, twist to secure, bend at right angle, trim with wire cutters about 1 1/2". Body: Coil one pipe stem around wide part of pen towards pen point. Wide end slips over tear drop. Neck: Coil pipe stem around small paint brush desired length of neck, trim. Head: Coil pipe stem beginning just before pen point to point. LEGS: Bend pipe stem right angle to create foot, U bend at leg length desired, right angle again to create foot.

ASSEMBLY: Slip wide end of body coil over teardrop, pinch end of teardrop to create tail. Slip neck coil over straight stem, bend at right angle to create head. Slip on head coil. Insert small bent black stem for beak, glue eyes in place.Slip leg U between coils. Wings, length of stem bent towards center, slip between coils.

Vintage buttons washed up on shore, candle holders filled with pearls, Dominos played by Boca Raton retirees. There just couldn't be a cuter place to store my buttons.

July and August Button Keepers side by side. Dare I hope September will be just as wonderful? I do hope you will take the challenge and create a button keeper of your own design or copy one of mine. If you do, please let me know!


  1. This is so wonderful. It's like taking a vacation to the beach. I love the postcard letters on the shell.
    You are always so generous to share your ideas. Thank you for the smile!

  2. Hi Elizabeth,
    Adorable button keepers. Each one so unique. I love how you used the colorful map on this one, and of course the pretty flamingo. I thought it was a stork at first...I always have storks on the brain! Hope you enjoy a lovely weekend.
    P.S. I did another Fridays with Father post today, that might make you chuckle. :)

  3. sooooo summery and adorable! I'll be playing with seashells tomorrow.. gonna make a seashell wreath.. hopefully it'll turn out!
    sweet dreams!!

  4. Great way to keep buttons in FUN jars with AWESOME lids. Can't wait to see Sept-December!
    Have a great weekend.

  5. This Button Keeper is a really cute idea. I love the pink flamingo! Thanks for sharing your darling idea!!

  6. Just kitschy-cute enough! Smile-smile-smile!

  7. I love it, Elizabeth! What a pretty and functional project! I don't think buttons ever looked so good. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do for the Fall months.

  8. E, I just don't even know what to say, this is THE cutest of cute projects! It goes right along with the outdoor project I have been working on and hope to reveal next week. Thank you for sharing your creativity and inspiring me once again! xoxo Nan

  9. How adorable is your August button keeper!! Love the pipe cleaner flamingo. Josie would be completely smitten with this project.

  10. I have got to show Claire these. She adores my blue bird and funny enough every time I go into my room it is always moved. I wish I were as sure about these craft supplies as I am with fabric....gorgeous...Smiles..Renee

  11. This is so cute, the vintage letters from the postcard, and that cute flamingo. You are so creative!

  12. I love this idea so much...but my heart is drawn to paper mache boxes. So I will adapt this idea for a "candy box of the month" theme. Cute, cute, cute! I will start with August...crows and sunflowers I think! =D Yikes! Now I have to go to Hobby Lobby!

  13. She sells sea shells by the seashore! I'm so glad you included a full tutorial on the flamingo! Thanks for sharing Button Girl!

  14. So beautiful and sweet!! I just adore your flamingo!! Have a lovely weekend! xo Heather

  15. This is soo cute! Thanks so much for sharing!
    Have a wonderful weekend

  16. Love the flamingo!! Can't wait to get started on mine, as soon as I'm home!


  17. Most adorable...just ten more months to go! Darling inspiration, E!

  18. E,
    So cute!!!! lol I need to go get a dozen of those jars just for storage of other things....:) I so look forward to your posts kiddo....have a great weekend! :) Sandy

  19. That's just as cute as a...well a button!!! As always, thanks for being so generous as to share your patterns!


  20. You never cease to amaze me Miss E. I must admit, as I have gotten older I have gone from thinking pink flamingos were just horrible to actually smiling every time I see one. I even made an apron with one on it. They are so fun and retro, and I'm not a bit surprised you could make something delightful with one. Love this project, and can't wait to see more!

  21. Since I live in Florida...this is my favorite one now! Very sweet flamingo!

  22. Oh Elizabeth, how I wish I had the extra craft supply Real Estate for some darling button keeps to reside! Those are just the cutest, love them, thank you so much for sharing them with us and inspiring us. I may have to relocate some current crafty tenants and make room. ;)

    Happy crafting!

  23. I joined in on the monthly button keep challenge! Thanks for hosting such a fun party :-)You always make the cutest of things Elizabeth, you have a true gift! Your such an inspiration :-)

  24. These are both so cute! I still have the little owl button keep that you made a couple of years ago. (Did you see him sitting on the shelf when I posted pictures of my little creative space?)

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Your kind words mean so very much to me. Thank you for your visit! Elizabeth