Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"Yes. We Have No More Peanuts"!

I just give up! There is to be no more introspective pondering about why on earth I am compelled to make things that really haven't any reason to be made other than their cuteness needing to be revealed.

No more obsessing over reasons to explain why a grown adult woman would spend her time making such child like things. No more pondering if Mary Englebreit has relatives who just don't understand her need for cute.

Creativity seems to have a mind of it's own in whatever form it takes. Like this elephant, it is persistent beyond reason. "Yes! We have no more peanuts"!

I am secretly proud at having filled an entire binder with patterns I have created on my own.

I am beyond excited when others will tell me they were thrilled to find one of my characters come to life in their own hands.

My new attitude is "If you can't find peanuts one place, look someplace else"!

I declare this blog to be mE! (thereI'vesaiditoutloud)

If you are looking for peanuts. This is the Place to Be!


  1. Oh thank goodness...I can just picture the conversation. "What did you do today?" ..."I sewed up a sweet little circus Monkey." "Cute. I worked on a Wonder Woman Apron." Can you just imagine what the others in the grocery would think. I do...they missed all the fun! Enjoy him because he is darling. Smiles....Renee

  2. Good for you Elizabeth!! I am looking for peanuts - thanks for all your inspiration.

  3. Hey!! Beauty and creativity scream to be shared. It makes me happy so I do it. It makes the people I love feel loved so I make for others, too. ;0

    I love the binder!!! I haven't seen that picture before. Just think how awesome it will be for your grandchildren to own that binder and your little creations. It will be like a quilt being handed down to the next generation. That's AWESOME!!

  4. Hi Elizabeth!
    I'm so glad you've decided to just keep on being yourself. After all -what is the alternative? Some people just have no sense of whimsy, and I think their lives are poorer for it. Your little monkey is as adorable as all of your other crafts. Please, please, don't stop. I can't wait to see what you'll do for Christmas this year.

  5. All right woman, I need to add those circus creations to my much do you want for them?

    Not only are they amazing, but you took my suggestion and they are made by you......nuff said!


  6. And we are so glad that it is you ...... I absolutely LOVE that monkey:-)
    I have a binder full of your patterns's called Elizabeths Patterns!!!!
    Thank you for sharing your creativity.

  7. Hi E,
    I am always AMAZED with your sweet creations! What a cute little Monkey Love! CUTE, does make us gals happy and that is so important in this world. Thanks for sharing with us!

  8. I adore your peanuts! Your little monkey man is fabulous!!! I, too, have a binder full of your little creations that I want to try my hand at. I wish we could play together!!! Ever come to Texas? Know that I read you daily and if you haven't posted for the day when I log on I go back in time to catch up on all I have missed since finding you.

  9. I am so happy for you! Omg, I think this is my all time favorite Original "E" creation!! It is because I call my youngest furbaby, my little monkey girl. She is a deep chocolate and long hair minature doxie and she tries so hard to talk. It is hilarious to watch her, she moves her mouth and the pitch of the sounds she makes changes all through her story telling!! Just wish I could understand what she was talking about!!LOL

  10. They are, as always would be a crime to keep them all bottled up inside you! Let the good times roll!!

  11. Your circus monkey is a wonderful addition to your craft room, Elizabeth! I love that you have a binder filled with your patterns.

  12. BRAVO BRAVO Elizabeth(I am clapping) your never going to find an answer to that question from others! Elizabeth just be you! All of us on this site and on other sites that I have seen your creations can't be all wrong.
    I LOVE your circus menagerie and will be creating some for me. I just can't keep up with you though. I think I am going to give each character that I make to someone special to me, but when I finish one and I thik of giving him/her away I can't I just can't so I have to make another to give away....


  13. I just love the circus theme you have going lately.

    Dont worry about those that "dont get you" as you have a group here that does!!

    Keep creating I LOVE it!! We are all waiting to see what you will create next.......


  14. You have a whole group of friends who get "YOU". I love this blogging community. My craft room is filled with toys and things that make me happy. Your creations will always be proudly displayed there. Thanks for your continued inspiration, Elizabeth.


  15. I love peanuts and I love coming here! Thank you for sharing so much of your creativity - that's a lot more than peanuts!

  16. I adore you!!!
    You are so inspirational and your creativity is so darn cute!!!
    Just looking at your blog brings a smile to my face!!!
    PS I made your little blue dog for my daughter when she left for university in September!!!
    Her dog is white fabric with tiny flowers and butterflies...too cute!

  17. Love your work, it really fascinates me. Your sweet figures are so unique...great work.

  18. You know if you ever listen to the monkeys they are calling YOU...E>>EEEEE>>>EEEEE>>E>>E

    Or that's what I

    Love the Circus cute!!

    Now if you ever decide to do a

    Hugs to my favorite E..Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  19. Maybe God gave you the gift of cuteness just to make others smile. I know you've put a smile on my face when I've been down. Matter of fact, sometimes when I'm feeling blue I purposely come to your site in hopes of some eyecandy to lighten my heart. Why question it?

  20. I've been a lurker here in Ohio for a long time and all I have to say is:

    IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!!!

    I'm so thrilled that you're crafting for you for now. Finally! I absolutely adore the things you make and I'm glad that you do too.

  21. Oh my!! Your blog is one of my favorites and your sweet and Wonderful creations always make me happy and add a lift to my day! It IS art and creating for the sake of creating is am IMPORTANT work. It is part of what makes this world a beautiful place! Thank you so much for what you do. It isn't just you that derives pleasure from it, I do too!

  22. Oh Elizabeth! What a sweet little monkey! I LOVED Curious George when I was little and so did my boys. I also dreamed of having my own little girl chimp like Ellie May Clampit had. :)

    Yeah, I quit trying to figure myself out and i just let it all go! It's all good and good for you, too! ♥

  23. I think I am going to print out this post and put it up somewhere I can see it daily. On a regular basis I ask myself, "Why oh why is my car driving me to yet another fabric store or craft store? Why oh why am I buying more supplies when I have a store in my craft room? Why oh why am I starting yet another project when there are millions I haven't finished, and so much to be done around the house?
    I feel the same way as you, the creativity flows my blood and is a huge part of me, and maybe I should just stop trying to manage it and just enjoy and embrace it.
    I feel a new post coming on . . . .
    P.S. Today my husband is taking me to a quilt shop and an antique mall. :) Whatever!!!! Big embrace of myself right now!!!!!!

  24. To me they are works of art...beautifully created and lovingly made!
    Blessings, Joanne

  25. Elizabeth,
    Thanks for all your inspirations and "cuteness" for everything (and the patterns). One can never have enough cuteness in the world :-)
    I'm going to have to try to make the monkey now! Your creations have made me want to sew again.

  26. I'm thinking your needing to make a huge felt "Circus Big Top" to house all of your fabulous circus-like creations...
    Wouldn't that be so darn cute!!! Three rings, a tight wire with a cutie-pa-tootie going across..... oh the craziness of it all!

  27. This is the place I always want to be!

  28. You have every right to be proud of your patterns - they are beautiful. x

  29. Dear Elizabeth. I think by all the comments left here after every one of your darling posts, that you should just simply accept that WE all love your cuteness that you create, and JUST NEVER MIND about the other human beings on the planet!
    I ADORE your blog.
    That's all that matters.
    Tee hee...

  30. Elizabeth! Your creations are adorable and beautiful and so full of sweetness! Thank you for sharing.

  31. “It is an art to stop and attract visitors with their brilliant writing skills. This author really knows how to bring traffic to his site. Thanks for sharing.”


Your kind words mean so very much to me. Thank you for your visit! Elizabeth