Monday, September 12, 2011

Tickled to Death

Have you ever made something and decided it was so darn cute you had to make another?

And then another?

I tell you I tickle my own self sometimes when the characters I create turn out so unexpectedly sweet.

I absolutely love these little leafy elves with their banners announcing the coming of their own special days of the year.

Any excuse for a celebration in this beloved craft room is fine by this Creative Breather.

Tickled to Death , I tell you!

Pattern for personal use only.


  1. Some one is helping you this is a good thing E. I will look forward to more on that. Thanks for always encouraging us to make your darling little felt characters with posting the patterns. I agree on the special orders you are not a machine but do all the work with your dear hands which can give out on you if you overdo. Take Care E we love you.

  2. Miss E!
    I'm jumping up and down! I don't know how that blog or craftroom could get any cuter but I can't wait to see it. I bought a table and hung new curtains in my craftroom then spent all afternoon and evening there yesterday thinking...what would Elizabeth do with this?

  3. Miss E!
    I'm jumping up and down! I don't know how that blog or craftroom could get any cuter but I can't wait to see it. I bought a table and hung new curtains in my craftroom then spent all afternoon and evening there yesterday thinking...what would Elizabeth do with this?

  4. Such good news - I have always said you needed an Etsy shop - I know it will be a huge success and bring you much satisfaction. Best wishes in your new endeavor.

  5. Oh E,
    I am so happy to hear you have some helping you to make your blog even more magical! I found two special somebodies and I was so blessed And an Etsy shop!!!!! Oh Boy ! I see the little red guy.....EEKK!!!!!! I think the Etsy shop is perfect for two! Two, if you want to have it empty or fulll that is totally is your shop! Sometimes for months mine has nothing, but I know it is there is I want to try to sell anything....Just pace yourself...and I have my fingers crossed about the other subject! :):) Sandy

  6. Glad you have someone to help you, Elizabeth. I guess that's what I would need. I tried setting up a shop and I tried using paypal and couldn't figure out either. It made me feel so stupid that I gave up. Yeah, I like things to be easy. :) there's enough hard things in life already! ♥

  7. I can't wait to see what you have in store with your blog and your Etsy store. Continued blessings with your latest endeavor.

  8. Good news about the etsy shop. That will be fun. You sound so excited. I am anxious to see your new look.

  9. Elizabeth, I knew your Flickr badge didn't go to Flickr. How exciting for you and for all of us. Can't wait to see and oh the Etsy shoppe... mail lady delivered a heart today, a day for me that needed a touch of kindness, I am simply enchanted, the stitches so fine and delicate. I am inspired anew with a piece of your talented handwork I can see and hold. My heart is touched by your heart. Thank you.

  10. I am so excited you will be opening a shop! I admire your talent.(My fingers get in each other's way when I try to create something!) Have a nice day!

  11. Great idea! I just love your fall garland. Thank you for sharing!

  12. YIPPEE! I can't wait to see all the cuties you fill your shop with. Congratulations! Have a great week. Teresa

  13. AWESOME!!! I can't wait to see the little creations that crop up in your etsy store. ;0

  14. Hello Miss "E",
    I am so excited that you are going to have an Etsy shop!! I can not wait to buy something from you. I can not imagine your blog getting any cuter than it already is but I will wait eagerly to see the new blog. Congratulations on your daughter's wedding. She and Joe look so happy on the beach, their rings are beautiful.
    I love the new fall hangers, they are all so cute!!

  15. Very exciting, Elizabeth! I am very happy for you! You know I will be a frequent customer. : )

  16. What great news. Seems help is always welcome. This will make all the difference in your posting and bring things all into order. Order is the ticket for us isn't it. Love your one of a kind creations and your need to share. It is that one of a kind creation that keeps them wonderful...lots of smiles..Renee

  17. Etsy shop for my talented friend! Gazing in my crystal ball I know you will do well with it! Hurray!

  18. I am so happy you will be opening an etsy shop! I will definitely be a customer. I can't wait to see the new look your blog will have. It is nice you have someone helping you, I would not know where to begin.


  19. Your little 'fall guys' are as cute as can be, as usual...

    I think you are very wise to open an Etsy shop.

    Good luck on your new venture!


  20. I love the way each little character is looking in a different directions. It makes them look alive!

    Finally, an Etsy shop. Too much fun for my old heart. Congrats and thanks.

  21. Hi E,
    So very excited about the Etsy news. I adore Etsy, and it will be a great for you. Can't wait till you get established there. How very wonderful.

  22. Dear Elizabeth,
    I'll never forget searching and searching for an Etsy shop on your side bars when I first came over. I'm thrilled to hear you will opening one soon. You will just love it! You can be your own Boss and can put your Shop on "vacation mode" whenever you need to.
    I scrolled down to see the lovely wedding pics of your TSG and her Joe on the beach. I can only imagine the joy you feel having both of your children happily married now. So much has happened over the last few years.
    Please forgive me for not being the blogger I used to be. You'll always hold a dear place in my heart, just because you're you.
    Much love,
    Mary Lou

  23. I am so pleased to hear you are going to have an Etsy shop! I have been drooling over your adorable characters for a few months now trying to work up the courage to make I won't have to. I can't wait to buy one from the artist herself! I only hope I can beat the hoards that will be sure to want one too. Best of luck in your new adventure.

  24. I am so excited that you are opening an etsy shop. I have been hoping to own something that you made for a long time

  25. This post makes me happy:) Been a long time coming.
    You can fill it as you please.
    Mine has been bare since March. I haven't found the crafting time that I need.
    Best Wishes <3

  26. I just love your blog and all the nostalgic crafts...they are awesome and make me smile!! Thanks for sharing your fall elf with us.


Your kind words mean so very much to me. Thank you for your visit! Elizabeth