Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Have Truck, Will Move

At the time my father passed away and my mother became a Room Renter, she also began working as a bookkeeper for Gosnel's Gardens. A place to purchase all your gardening needs. During the winter months when the company's truck would make it's long trek to Plant City, Florida, for Christmas poinsettias, an advertisement would go out in the local newspaper offering to move Snowbird Furniture at a reasonable price in the going south empty tractor trailer.

Phil, one of my mother's Room Renters, was the driver for the long haul. A HANDSOME young MAN in his twenties, Phil was also someone who kept to a tight schedule when transporting perishable plants. Home for the Holidays, it was decided my brother John would ride along as help to earn money for college.

The ad to move Snowbird Furniture was answered by a recent college graduate of Georgetown University Law. The always punctual Phil expected the student with his belongings to be ready for a 7am pick-up. The student would also be making the trip with his furniture. No one on the curb, the boys were astonished at the sight of a clearly hungover graduate rather rotund and in his boxers answering their persistent knocking on his apartment door.

Not at all contrite the student arrogantly asked the fellas if they would help load his belongings into their truck for $20.00 apiece. "For $100.00 here and $100.00 in Florida, we will. Now lets get moving!" The decision having already been made by Phil.

The truck nearly filled, all that remained was a heavy as can be solid oak government issued desk that would not fit through the door of the apartment. "Use your tools to take the desk apart." ordered the student. "We haven't got any tools!" replied Phil. "Lets lower it over the balcony!" my ever resourceful brother offered.

The truck backed underneath the one-story apartment, my brother holding onto the legs of the desk began to lower it over the balcony railing to the outstretched arms of the student. "Have you got it?" yelled my brother. "Just a little lower!" replied the student, "A little more, a little more!"  One to many "little mores" and gravity got the better of the situation. The legs of the desk were all that remained in my brother's hands.

The desk in pieces lay before the student. "Load it up, Move it out!" could be heard from Phil over the starting engine. They were not even at the end of the street before the student asked could they stop for a restroom and breakfast break as he had not had the chance to attend to either. "We'll stop when we get gas." Phil called out over the ROCKABILLY music he would SING to for the next 22 hours.

The truck didn't need refilling until North Carolina.

Destination Florida in the dark morning hours, it seemed the student's Snowbird parents were not yet at their winter home. The student said he would walk to the gas station around the corner and call them to see how much longer they would be, could they wait to help move his things into the house.  The second $100.00 paid, the student barely out of sight, the boys unloaded at record speed box after box and one broken desk onto the driveway. As they drove pass the stunned student in the telephone booth, Phil tooted the truck's air horn and called out his window, "I'm on a schedule!"

I absolutely love when my brother shares one of his childhood stories with me. They are as big as his personality and always make me laugh. We both adored Room Renting, Truck Driver Phil who had another very unique attribute about his personality I have featured before in stories I have shared about him.

Wreaths use mushroom top as pattern.


  1. Phil is an Elvis Impersonator

    I would love to win your generous and gorgeous prize(s).

    Thank you

  2. I believe Truck driver Phil's attribute is punctuality. He doesn't let anything stand in the way of his schedule.

    Congratulations your Blog-averary

  3. Phil was a truck driving Elvis impersonator...but sounds like a man of few words, focused on the job at hand. Darling story...thank you for sharing. Enjoy the day.

  4. I felt as though I was watching a saturday matinee!
    I also think "Elvis impersonator"

  5. What a fun story, was his unique talent singing??????

  6. no clue! but great story!!!
    happy blogaversary! I wonder if I missed mine!? I have to check to see when it was.

  7. He's a handsome young man in his twenties, too! Oh please pick me, pick me, I need more of your stuff.........wink, wink.


  8. I'm going to say Elvis impersonator because I remember you mentioning Phil in the past.

    My package arrived today, Elizabeth! Thank you very much!

  9. Singing and impersonating Elvis while caring for thirsty plants in a timely fashion is what Phil is known for in this neck of the woods...just stay away from my desk! LOL!

  10. Phil is obviously a stickler for punctuality!! Me too!!

  11. E, Well, I'm pretty sure he was a good-looking fellow....might not be what you're looking for...but I believe you've said it more than once. :-)

  12. Love your stories! Phil was an Elvis impersonator! (and loved jeopardy).

  13. Elvis impersonator - I remember you talking about him in a post a long time ago! Oh how I would love to win your package of prizes - all so adorable.

  14. OH E, this story had me laughing! I can just see your brother hanging out the window as that desk slipped away. Congratulations on 4 years, I think I have been here for most of them! xxoo Nan
    PS, I was also going to say Phil was an Elvis impersonator but I think several people beat me to it :)

  15. He was resourceful...but wasn't he also an Elvis impersonator? I've enjoyed your stories for years, my friend! But I've never been good at the guessing games! They are FUN though! heehee! Hugs and CONGRATS on lots of fun blogging! ♥

  16. What a funny story Elizabeth.
    My guess is that the very punctual Phil is an Elvis Inpersonator.
    Happy Blogaversary ... you've inspired many of us in your blogging years .... best wishes for many many more blogaversaries:-)

  17. I'm "clueless"..
    Happy Blog Birthday!
    I'm so glad that you blog! I enjoy your stories, crafts and generous heart!

  18. Sounds like Phil must be an Elvis impersonator, but I sure didn't guess, just saw that so many others knew.
    Great story - as your stories always are! Happy Blogaversary! Many more!

  19. Elizabeth I am going to guess he was a country/rock singer. Love your clever quizzes, they make your giveaways more fun. I am loving those little wreaths. Don't they look sweet stacked in that picture. Everything is adorable as always and I truly enjoyed that story. Your writing always turns on the 'movie' in my head. Enjoy your evening!

  20. Don't step on Phil's blue suede shoes... because he is an Elvis impersonator... and he is very, very punctual.

    Oh Elizabeth. You brighten my day. Happy Blogaversary. And many more... I hope

  21. Let me guess. . .he liked to sing Elvis songs?

    trilliumcreates AT gmail DOT com

  22. Hi E,
    Phil was an handsome Elvis impersonator who had a thing for being on time:O) I do not have any of your creations and I would so love to have them so please if I can bribe you in any way to pick me please let me know!! Hugs and have a wonderful day!!
    Lynn in NC

  23. Elvis impersonator!


  24. Phil was an Elvis Impersonator who was a disappointment to his retired CIA father. I love the stories been reading them for almost 4 years Happy Blogaversry.


  25. Happy 4th Blogaversary Elizabeth! What a great story! I just knew when the college student's parents weren't home that everything was going to be left in the driveway. Phil wasn't going to lose any more time.

    I wanted to thank you for sharing your source for the felt you use in your projects. I just received my first order of wonderful wool felt sheets in Autumn colors from Jangles. It is delicious! I almost hate to cut into it.

  26. I immediately thought of Elvis when you said Rockabilly, but I guess a lot of others already knew! I'd love to win your cute prizes! Thanks!

  27. Great story. Love the pictures on your blog. Everything you make is so cute!

  28. I am guessing an Elvis singer/impersonator. Wonder what the student thought about that. Love your story telling, please continue this blog it is the highlight of my week to catch up with what you have written.
    And I love your tutorials and crafts.
    Congrats on your blog-versary

  29. Okay, here's my guess... Phil is was a handsome man who sings rockabilly... and was an Elvis impersonator.

  30. You mention "always punctual Phil" and "I'm on a schedule!" so I'm guessing Phil was very reliable and punctual. Happy 4th Blogaversary! I love all your little creations, which all have such personality!


Your kind words mean so very much to me. Thank you for your visit! Elizabeth