Monday, March 14, 2011

Babies on a ME Monday

My husband and I are in love with our children. We have been from the moment we brought them home and laid them in their cribs for the first time. Their youth and our youth spun from gossamer threads to be cared for knowing how precious and fleeting they would be.

I like to imagine so many of us have vintage nursery items displayed in our craft rooms as a reminder of our hearts capacity to love even more.

The quietness of my empty nest has settled around me once more. Waiting my companion for the sound of their voice, a glimpse of their face.

I have loved storks since he first came to visit me as a young military wife in a community of other Home Alone wives.

My Dear Friend Janet's husband and mine both flew in the same squadron. She surprised me with a baby shower having invited the Bobwhites and other of our friends. I loved that Janet had three sisters she absolutely adored, and one of them made a stork cake for me.

Just what my craft room shelf needed! A pink stork cute as can be and so very easy to make. I do think this will become an all time favorite. It could be because it reminds me of how truly blessed I am in this life of mine.

Please, for personal use only.


  1. Very clever, Elizabeth! I like how you've used your shape for the snowman and other happy faced people you've made {that I love} and just gave it a side view!

  2. This is just about the sweet thing around. I LOVE the picture of you with the stork cake....You are just lovely. I couldn't find the pattern on your Flickr...just the pictures. XXOO Valarie

  3. Oops...just found the pattern. Thanks for sharing. Valarie

  4. Dear Elizabeth

    I so love all your posts - the little cups are adorable!!! Keep posting - it cheers us Brits up over here and brightens our day - I do wish I had a fraction of your lovely things - but at least I get to see them here!!


  5. Hmmmmmm are you hinting about something coming up in the future or are you "a wishing and a hoping". Cute pciture of you.
    I wish I had kept your phone number.....I need some advice.

  6. Amazing, Elizabeth. What a beautiful creation. And that adorable photo of you with your cake is to die for!! : ) Happy memories!

  7. I like how you said that you and your husband are "in love" with your children. That's how we feel about our daughter! Your stork is adorable, and you've inspired me to bring down from the attic the nursery planters that I have. It seems so silly to me now, that I don't have them out to enjoy every day!

  8. He's adorable, as are the letters in the background.

  9. My Stork also brings back happy memories of my daughters as you know Elizabeth!
    Lovely post.
    I hope you and the family are well.
    Hugs from the UK,

  10. Oh these momentos are so precious! I just love the stork cake...I have never seen one before...what a lovely gift! Blessings, Joanne

  11. Oh my goodness Elizabeth that stork is simply adorable. I too have a love for vintage baby items. As I create I find that I have the most fun creating items for babies. I just might have to give a try at creating this sweet stork. Thanks for sharing the pattern:)
    PS You look so beautiful in the picture :)

  12. What a precious pic of you ! (love your stork too ) E in TN

  13. I adore your work. Have you got any pattern of this stork, or is it your own creation ?

  14. E,
    Of course your handmade store is just adorable, but I love, love love the photo of you and the stork sweet!

  15. How cute ~ and she's PINK!
    Your cake looks great..what a talented gal. And E, you look just radiant in the photo!!! I do have baby planters in my craft room and a few other baby things too! What a happy time in our lives to welcome a new little one to our families..lasting, happy memories.
    (~~) Julie

  16. OMG again! you just amaze me again and again and yet again! You are soooo blessed with talent! and we are so blessed because you share yourself and your talent with us!
    that stork is awesome!

  17. ..what a beautiful lady you are! and your daughter looks just like you too:)Your dress was darling! I love it and wish that ladies still dressed like's so hard to find traditional feminine clothing. If only I had more time to sew. Your crafting always delights me, thank you for sharing your life.

  18. Oh what a precious stork! As a retired military wife I too was thankful for my military family.

    I have organized a spring swap and Spring craft linky party. If you are interested the details are on today's post.

    Be blessed!

  19. That stork cake is so cute. You look so radiantly happy! And I like how you made your stork.

  20. How adorable!!!

    Someday we will be hearing the pitter-pat of grandbaby feet!!

  21. Oh dear! I somehow missed this post! What an adorable stork and pic of you with your stork cake, Elizabeth! I thought it was your daughter at first!

    Well, you know that *my* house and craft room has many vintage baby reminders- including the cards you gifted me with! Thanks again dear friend!

    Bobby and I ooo and cooo over our grandbabies to no end and a friend once disgustedly asked, "Did you fawn over your own children like that!?"
    Ha-ha! What a crime, eh? We told her yes, we guessed that we did. :)

  22. Miss E. I am catching up on my reading since vacation and oh my did I miss a lot. This is the sweetest stork. Truly a prize worthy of your hand stitching. Beautiful memories. Hobnail dishes to your husbands treasures. All such fun and craft candy goodness...smiles...Renee

  23. You mention at the end of this project to click on Flicker sidebar for pattern and instructions. I don't find the sidebar. Is this incorrect?


Your kind words mean so very much to me. Thank you for your visit! Elizabeth