Sunday, February 13, 2011


IT'S FINALLY HERE! The day I get to reveal the wonderful Valentines sent to me. Without further ado:

Allison, Busy Family of Five

Paula, Palace of Altered Art

Meri, Imagi Meri

Debbie, Heart to Art

Nancy, My Crafty Little Page

Diane, Saturday F inds

Janelle, Sweet Bee Cottage

I do hope you have enjoyed seeing all of the glorious Valentines from our community of very talented women. It has been such a privilege for me to receive the art from so many, I can't thank you enough for making this a most special swap.

Thank you, Elizabeth


  1. oh my....what a gallery of sweet Valentines. I enjoyed browsing through all the pretty pictures, E!
    How sweet of you to share the valentine with your neighbor girl. Her teacher will love it!

  2. Absolutely divine E,

    Thank you so much for hosting this swap.

    Love ya' lots

  3. All of beautiful...I love ,I love:))

  4. They're all so beautiful! Isn't it fun to see so many different & creative ways to say, "Happy Valentine's Day"? Lots to enjoy here!

  5. Primary Girls....I love it! :) You and I were both so blessed with Valentines this year, weren't we????? I have a couple more to send out even! LOL I am going to be doing the Easter Swap E, I am going to need your help! I am diving in with both feet! :):) Thank you again for having a wonderful swap.....I always enjoy them so much, and they give all of us such happiness and wonderful touchable memories of friends!

  6. A little love on Valentine's Day.
    Greetings from the Ebro Delta, Spain.

  7. Oh how wonderfully blessed you have been Elizabeth! I have never seen such lovely Valentine sentiments, every single one. What fun all of you must have had deciding on just the perfect blend of goodies for each of these. I am so inspired. Thank you for sharing all of your creations, and the incredible "Dolly Dingle Valentine Exchange!" --Leslie

  8. They are all so very beautiful!!! Great work gals!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  9. Such glorious candy for the eyes. I'm so glad you took close-ups of all. One thing kept running through my mind...Elizabeth's influence and talent is showing through on so many of these. These were all gorgeous!!!
    And I did happen to see my humble little heart hanging amongst the others. It made smile ear to ear. : )
    Mary Lou

  10. felíz san valentín!! yo tengo programado mi post para mañana, te espero en mi blog!!
    aquí en Chile aún es 13!!

  11. You must have been waiting by the window for the mailman to arrive each day!

    They're all so beautiful!

    Happy Valentine's Day!


  12. Oh my goodness...each one is more wonderful that the last! What a "heartfelt" exchange! ♥

  13. So many beautiful Valentines! Much inspiration for a long time to come. Thanks.

  14. Just wonderful Valentines! So many very creative ladies! It was so much fun and thanks for having a Valentine exchange!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  15. A million thanks, Elizabeth! This swap was amazing and I finally have a piece of your art! I love, love love my valentine. Truly this whole thing has been so rewarding and a wonderful idea. I love my sidebar exchange you gave us the opportunity to do. Happy Valentine's Day from a not so secret admirer. xoxo Nancy

  16. I have never ever seen such beautiful valentines! Every time I see the cards from your friends, I think, "Could I?" Someday. I love these so much and they make me so happy!

  17. I have never ever seen such beautiful valentines! Every time I see the cards from your friends, I think, "Could I?" Someday. I love these so much and they make me so happy!

  18. Your blog is so darling...oh I could look at all of your cute thing's all day. I wish I had the knack you have. Really darling.
    Come visit sometime.

  19. Thanks for sharing your Valentine treasures with us, Elizabeth! And thank you for trading with me!

  20. A fabulous collection... each one more adorable than the next!

    love them!

  21. I so enjoyed seeing each one. What talented women! How very, very beautiful!

  22. oh, E...I do hope my package is with you soon! My daughter's Christmas packages took almost two months to arrive!

  23. Elizabeth - Thank you for stopping by my blog. Your newest Chinese New Year felt character on your sidebar is delightful! Thank you for continuing to inspire.

    Happy Valentine's!

  24. Oh my Goodness you sure have a wonderful collection of Valentines. Mine should be on it's way to you shortly. I am sooo sorry I wasn't on time with this. I do hope you understand. Enjoy your day Elizabeth you certainly deserve it!

  25. E - sadly I don't have a photo either.I sent mine off without taking any!Hope you are enjoying all your hearts.And hoping my milk glass bird plate creation arrived safely to you as little perk-me-up.Best,Carrie

  26. Such a wonderful assortment of Valentine treasures. What could be nicer than the bright and cheery colors of vintage valentines!

  27. Such beautiful Valentines. Each one a delight to see. Thank you so much Elizabeth for sharing these, and hosting!

  28. Happy Valentine's Day E! I tried to link my post but Mr. Linky is being very cranky. I'll try again later.

  29. Hi E,
    Happy Valentine's day to you and your sweetie. The valentines you posted are so pretty. You have such a lovely blog. Enjoy your day!

  30. Elizabeth, I am so wowed by the Valentines you received...what an amazingly talented group of paper artists!! Thank you for sharing their creations.

    Nancy (My Crafty Little Page) allowed me to be a part of her swap. It was my very first card creation....and I have to say....I think I'm hooked. I so enjoyed exploring this new way of creating!

    I also have to say, that while I am pretty new to your blog, I have SO loved reading your posts and learning about your sewing and paper crafting techniques. You are so gifted....including your wonderful writing skills!

    Hope you're having great Valentine's Day!!

    dana of the stone rabbit

  31. These are all so beautiful that I can't pick a favorite. There is so much talent in our little blog world! I love the collages and the Valentine's with the sweet vintage photos and sayings. Thanks you so much for sharing them
    Happy Valentine's Day!
    Cheryl at My Sister's Cottage

  32. all are wonderful! and you are so good at showcasing everyone. I hope you have a great valentines day with your sweetie pie!

  33. Dear, Dear Elizabeth,

    Thank you so much for the beautiful valentine! I love it! I'm sorry I forgot my blog name on mine. I just didn't think of it. I'm so glad you shared all the beautiful ones you received here. I keep looking at them and thinking - now wait - I didn't see that earlier.....or that........or this detail. I had so much fun making mine and I will treasure yours always!

    Happy, Happy Valentine's Day!


  34. They are all so amazing and cute! You know I never knew who Dolly Dingle was - now I finally get why it was named that. They remind me of the Campbells Soup kids...
    Happy Valentine's Day sweet Elizabeth. Thank you SO much for the lovely one you sent to me. :)

  35. Dear Elizabeth
    I accidently stumbled across your blog and have just spent the last several hours staring, slack jawed, at your posts. I am a scrapbooker, or at least used to be one, but have become bored with scrapbooking. Recently I realized what I love about scrapbooking is buying the paper, playing with the paper, cutting the paper, matching the paper. Thanks to what I just discovered on your amazing, incredible, beautiful blog, there is finally a way for me to get to play with paper and make gorgeous things. Thank you, thank you so very much for being such an inspiration and for putting your creations out there to share. One of my favorite projects was the Christmas "window box". (Sorry. I'm sure that's NOT what it's called, but I lack a better name) It's truly unbelievable. I certainly have the stash of paper to start creating it but I have to ask, where do you get the "stuff"? The kitschy, cute, little bits of goodness that give the piece all of it's personality? I have no "stuff"! Do I need to start going to flea markets, garage sales and thrift stores? How long did it take you to accumulate such a fantastic trove of glorious goodies?

  36. Elizabeth, I enjoyed your Valentine's so much! Your enthusiasm about crafting warms my heart. I wish I felt like crafting as you do. God bless you!

  37. It is with pleasure that I look at your site; he is fantastic. Really very pleasant to read your lovely shares. Continue like this and thank you again.

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Your kind words mean so very much to me. Thank you for your visit! Elizabeth