Saturday, January 22, 2011

Valentine Elves

My husband is an "Early to bed, Late to rise" type of person, I am a "Late to bed, Early to rise" type of person.

I always lean over the bed to kiss him a last time after I have put on my slippery nightgown and before returning to my craft room for an evening of creativity. Searching for his lips in the glow of the television, I said, "I love that my blog and my crafts make so many people happy." To which he responded, "You love that you are happy."

An "Egg before the Chicken" question that has me pondering. My blog is about crafts and stories. If I didn't have something to share, why would anyone visit. My first year of blogging was only about telling stories very few people read. My second year of blogging was about discovering my own creative voice. A few more came to see.  This past year of blogging has been a true expression of my creative heart and words, many have responded so kindly.

This is the year I want to remember always. On my sidebar you will see "E's" Craft Room Creations where I am putting together a book for myself to recall this most special year. So yes my husband's statement is correct. I love to blog and craft because it makes me happy. But like love, unless it is shared, it's value can never be truly known. I would not have this very special year if it were not for you!


  1. E~
    I wish I had elves to help me with my Valentine projects. Are these "Tilda" elves...they are so cute. I love their feet.
    I read and reread those stories your first year...tales from near and far....stories about your family and people you came in contact with in foreign lands. Those stores shoud be put in a book: Elizabeth Andrus True Life Adventures. Then your second book could be about your blogging adventures and how you have acquired 100's of friends through your blog. The third book could just be a crafing tutorial with all of your patterns and crafty crafting ideas. I would like all three books please, autographed if you don't mind. You started looking at blogs to learn and what has happened is that you've taught so many of us. We are all grateful for your creative breathing!!
    Love you!

  2. Your elves are so cute. I especially love that little red and white dog that is in so many of your shots. He would look great in my red and white kitchen cabinet.

  3. I just wanted to tell you how much you have inspired me this past year. Between you and Cherry Hill Cottage, I am slowly changing out my dark country decor to a brighter cottage look. And that, in turn, has changed my crafting somewhat. I thank you, but I'm not sure my husband does! (We just redid the kitchen. Ouch!)

  4. You are a breath of fresh air to the blogging community! My heart has grown just reading your stories and viewing your cute creations.
    Gotta Luv it!!

  5. Oh E I love you blog and your stories and especially your wonderful creative crafts which have inspired me so much and taught me at the same time. Just keep doing what pleases you my dear.

  6. E, What fun it's been to watch your creative spirit blossom this past year; I'm not quite sure what I would have done without you (Paula, and Sandy) this past year. I visit you almost everyday, and get such joy seeing all your sweet creatures and precious images. I'm beginning to get my "craft back". So glad to see TSG has someone special :) A friend reminded me the other day that "we are only as happy as our saddest child"... and ya know thats where I'm stuck. Look forward to what you have in store for us this year ! E in TN

  7. I agree, E.

    Since blogging, my mind has been bursting with ideas. I haven't had a creative-block in a very long time.

    There are so many creative artists here sharing ideas, introducing me to things I'd never even heard of before (like ATCs!), encouraging, and supporting. How can someone NOT be inspired?

    It's a great group of people and a way to connect to other women I otherwise wouldn't have had a chance. You, being one of them!

    Keep it up girlfriend!


  8. I think Joyce has a great idea there, Elizabeth! : ) You know you reach so many people with your stories AND your creative talents. Although, I may not be able to do all the things you show and share, I do enjoy seeing them!

  9. Love makes the world go round. Aren't you glad that you have found something that makes you happy and brings you joy while at the same time inspiring others. You rock Elizabeth!

  10. I'm so glad that your creations make you happy because they sure make me happy and alot of other people. I get excited whenever I see your posts come up. You always bring a smile to my face. Even thought I could never do the beautiful work that you do, you make it look easier. Thanks so much for just being "you."

  11. well, I cant speak for everyone else... but I surely can say that I am happy when I come to visit your little spot here in cyber space! I do love to see what youre doing and to hear your wonderful stories. And.. I think I can speak for everyone else too, really, that they feel the same way. The one thing that makes it all ever more special for me is that I got to meet you in person!!! Youre a doll. You have a precious life. And I love that you share it with us

  12. I haven't known you for very long at all but I love stopping by. It's a cheery place! Keep those stories coming and all the little crafts too.

  13. Oh yes, I truly do feel happy when I read your blog, but it does so much more for me. Your sweet creations and touching, from the heart stories have become somewhat of a safe harbor for me to anchor in during a storm.. I can always count on having my spirits lifted whenever I click on BluebirdPapercrafts - I know some adorable creation will always be smiling back at me, and a sweet story will take away my troubles. Your idea for a book is wonderful!!!

  14. Oh my...all the lovely Valentine's to make me smile over here. Such a fun place to come and always. You're such an inspiration, Elizabeth.
    And yes, nothing makes a mother's heart happier than seeing their children happy. Thank you for sharing your happy little news. : )
    Mary Lou

  15. Elizabeth!! You are so so so amazing!!!!! You are THE REAL DEAL!!!

    Love you to bits!!!!
    xoxo Jenny...and Aaron

    ps...your spotlight is up on the blog.. :)

  16. Well I'm new to your blog,but it didn't take me long to get hooked.Visiting here makes me smile,makes me excited to create,which makes me happy.I look forward to many more visits!!

  17. Elizabeth- your blog is such a bright spot in my day! You give so much to us and ask nothing in return. Your generosity in heart and spirit is unmatched and you deserve all the happiness that can bring.
    I too would love your book! You are so inspiring, so honest, so true.
    Thank you for always sharing so much of yourself with all of us!

  18. Every time I come to your blog I leave with a smile on my face. I love to read your stories and drool over your colorful creations. Many thanks E!

  19. Your craft room makes me smile....
    its like a doll house you can walk into and play!

    Hugs, Dolly

  20. I think the idea of putting a book together is wonderful. That you want us to share in that is very generous of you!

  21. Thank you for sharing your thoughts - it made me smile and I needed that so very much today. Sometimes I honestly forget WHY I blog, why I write the column, why I create - I get lost and need reminders. You provided that today. It should be so simple - "because it makes us happy", so how is it that life gets so crazy, that some of us forget that sometimes?

    You make some of the most whimsical, fun things - love your style.
    ~Linda in Illinois

  22. An excellent congratulations for an excellent subject and an excellent blog !!!

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Your kind words mean so very much to me. Thank you for your visit! Elizabeth