Saturday, January 1, 2011

Champaign Music

I have a confession to make this new day of the New Year. I adore the Lawrence Welk show! I was not even aware of this show until several years ago and now find myself utterly transfixed to my television Saturday evenings at seven.

I know this show is appealing to me because it perfectly captures the heart of who I am. Hopelessly old-fashioned, forever in a time not my own.

My own attempts at being modern always leave me feeling not myself. I'm always going to be demure, I'm always going to be polite, I'm always going to have "big hair". Thank goodness my family loves me anyway.

In between musical segments of the television show, the performers are featured in an interview as they are today. I take inspiration in their dedication to Lawrence Welk to be the very best of themselves they could be. Entire lifespans spent working for one individual whose respect meant everything.

My little peg doll foursome are inspired by real life sisters, Anne, Peggy, Kathy, and Janet, The Lennon Sisters who were regular performers on the Lawrence Welk Show. From a family of 12 siblings, their feet remained firmly planted on the ground as their popularity grew.

My own daughter is as modern as can be, but I can see her old-fashioned upbringing in her work ethic and her kindness to others. She adored playing with these vintage Lennon Sisters paper dolls when she was a young girl.

As this new day of the New Year begins, instead of listing resolutions to change about myself, I hope I will aspire to be more like individuals I admire so they in turn might admire me.


  1. Elizabeth..I was raised on Saturday the end of my grandma's chair..swooning and singing..and little girl dancing to the show.
    In my teens..I graduated to the American Bandstand show..later..soul
    I now watch the Lawrence Welk show with the grandchildren in Oklahoma..we dance..quite entertaining..we pretend we are in the band..and we giggle and laugh a lot..the circle has return!
    I pray I never change for anyone!!!
    You never change either..we are classics!!lol

    Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  2. Hi Elizabeth - what a fun post! I loved to watch the LW show, too - when I was a girl. Actually - it was a family requirement - I think my mother was sure we would grow up to be entertainers! We had to sing and dance growing up just in case we would ever be on the LW show! We go to the LW Theater in Escondido for plays (they are SO good)and there is memorablia all around the lobby from the TV show - even a grand piano and a working bubble machine! You would love it! If you ever come to visit, I'll take you there! I am hopelessly lost in the past, too, E. My house is so old fashioned - and I love collecting old things. I feel at home here blogging with other likeminded gals - like you! Hugs - Patti

  3. two things my DEAR FRIEND, one.. I too love the lawence welk show! hated it when i was a kid.. but we do watch it occasionally now! Two and more importantly I totally admire you! your are so kind hearted, caring, polite, generous, down to earth, creative and so totally genuine.. we should all aspire to be more like you!!
    with much much admiration,

  4. Hi, Elizabeth. Just love your blog, I show all of your charming creations to the girls at work. We all love how cute they are. My grandson, Josh (two-years-old) LOVES Lawrence Welk- he does not watch TV, except for the Saturday night "extravaganzas". He is so taken by the orchestra. You can't blame him, all of the coordinated outfits and music- what a show@

    Thank you for sharing your creativity.

  5. Elizabeth...
    The Lawrence Welk show was a huge part of my families life. My daughter would spend Saturday nights with her grandparents and they would all sing and dance to the music of that show. She thought she was one of the Lennon sisters too. I've got to admit, I think I thought I was one of them too.... I always wanted to be Janet and wear all the pretties!
    All the bubbles...all the dancing...all the wholesomeness that we all longed for and it just "was". Those were the days...the good old days...or back in the day.
    Thanks for sharing and renewing a memory. A one and a two!
    I'm gathering my tag swap stuff...I'm excited here.
    My best to you...xoso Sandy

  6. Elizabeth,
    Every time we run across the LW Show I think of my Grandfather. He had the opportunity to play music with LW long before there was the LW Show. What a blast that would have been.
    Thank you for sharing your addiction... you're no alone. :)
    P.S. I absolutely love your blog...
    H.N.Y.... Cindy

  7. You can watch The Lawrence Welk show now? Oh, I have to find out where. It was definitely what was watched on Saturday night when I was growing up. Do you remember those Rose Milk promos Norma Zimmer did? I was just thinking of those this morning when the Rose Parade was on. I'm off to search out if Lawrence Welk is available on TV here.
    Wishing you the best of everything in the new year!!!

  8. Dear E We don't have a TV but I certainly remember him way back with the old black and white TV's my parents had. They never did have color. My parents loved to watch him and I as a teen thought he was way out of it but now of course I look at the show differently. I loved Bobby and Sissy !! Nan

  9. I haven't seen that in years - I learned to dance standing on my papa's feet dancing to the music and watching that show! Loved all the songs and skits and even did a few little dances of my own - I was a wee girl! That is the sweetest show and a timeless classic! Happy New Year!

  10. I also was raised on Lawrence. Saturday nights if I remember. I'm not a big fan today ~ I did love the bubbles that appeared :)
    I see you made some sweet little girls and had fun last night crafting.
    deb :)

  11. Oh E, these girls are so cute in their party hats!

    I was raised on rock and roll and would copy my big brothers who made fun of LW to no end! I'm sure i'd appreciate the show more these days. :)

  12. Total admiration right here!!!!
    I haven't met you in person..but feel that I know you: kindhearted, sweet, genuine, creative, original, organized, funny,loving and much, much more! How could your family NOT love you, silly girl?
    Your peg dolls are too cute!

    P.S. I chose a frosty green (sage) instead of mint. It looks more lucky;)

  13. Happy New Year, Elizabeth! I loved the Lawrence Welk Show when I was growing up. The ladies seemed so glamorous to me!

  14. Elizabeth ~ Who cares if you are old fashioned...just as long as you are yourself. Then everyone will love you. The Lennon Sisters ~ I love them too. Thank You so very much for the lovely words you commented on my blog and for putting me on your sidebar. I too, like a few words and one verse to meditate on all day. I feel I learn more that way than trying to digest a bunch at once. Happy New Year, dear friend.

  15. Oh, what a funny bunch we are here. I grew up in Mitchell, south Dakota (the home of the World's Only Corn Palace!) Every year we had Corn Palace Week, which included several shows of world famous entertainment. Nine time out of ten, this was the Lawrence Welk Show. Sometimes it would be Barbara and Bobby, or the lovely Boylan sisters, or my favorite, the Lennon Sisters! I thought they were wonderful and knew all the facts about their lives and to this day could tell you each young woman in age order.My father was very active in local events and we lucky Gillis kids always got to meet the stars...was that ever exciting. They were always nice and seemed very Midwestern to me.

    Well, you have me going who thinks she has no histories!

    Hugs, dear E,

  16. My paternal Grandfather watched basically two TV shows in the 1950s and 60s: LW show and Gunsmoke! Janet of the Lemon Sisters was my age and I couldn't believe that a little girl the same age as me was on TV. Of course she can sing and I can't. I have always loved the LW show watching it over the years - it still runs here on the public stations. We visited Branson several years ago and we went to the LW show there and saw the Lemon Sisters perform and I got to meet two of the sisters after the show and they signed their book for me. The most friendly cast member by far was Ken Delo who stayed and talked to us after the show and after the other cast members had left. He was very gracious and posed for a photo with me!

  17. Alas, I have never been a LW fan. I love old music, yes, but it just never did it for me (we were more of a Hee-Haw family). I can appreciate that so many many folks did/do love the show.

    A very wise social work prfessor once advised me to align myself with those whom I admired and wanted to be like.

    Here's to a happy, healthy and proserous new year!

  18. This is so funny...I lived in a rural area for a couple of years when I was growing up and one of the only channels we got played the Lawrence Welk show. I grew to know and love his "family". I still say "aBobby and aSissy" in my mind and giggle.

  19. I watched Lawrence Welk every week! Loved your post! Thanks for the memories.

  20. Oh Elizabeth what memories you have rekindled. I, too, LOVE the Lawrence Welk show ( on Sunday afternoons here) I watched it with my parents as a child.
    My best memories of the show are as an adult. Every Sunday after church my baby daughter and I would pick up lunch at the deli counter (sliced ham, rolls, potato salad and cucumber salad) and go spend the afternoon with my Great-Grandmother Annie (who was 97 years old) We would eat lunch and watch Lawrence Welk (in re-runs) Annie loved the singing and the beautiful costumes. She always marveled how Norman Zimmer never aged!!! This was a treasured time for many years until she passed away at almost 105.
    I haved been blessed in recent years to attend concerts by the Stars of Lawrence Welk. I must say Tom Netherton hasn't aged, either!!!

  21. Oh my gosh, I also grew up watching that show! LOL! Can't say i loved it though, but I'm pretty sure i watched it every week :)
    Love your little peg dollies! I may have to attempt one or two!

  22. Fabulous Valentine Dollies! I have started decorating for Valentine's, I must make these gals to add to the decor! May you put me down as willing to swap 5 valentines? I have my valentine posted on my blog. Merci!!! xoxo

  23. I have a confession, too...I loved watching Lawrence Welk as a kid...and, a teen-ager! For me it was the kind of "family" I wished I had (well, The King Family was the family I really wanted to be in), since our home life was so nuts. I secretly watched the Lawrence Welk show on Sunday nights up until the time I moved away from home (or maybe it was when it went off the air). I was always old-fashioned even when my family & friends weren't...I still feel I was born 40 yrs too late.

  24. I LOVE the Lawrence Welk show, despite the fact that I'm in my 20s! I grew up watching it as a kid with my parents and grandparents, who were always excited to watch it at our house, as we had a color tv. (Grandma still had her black and white when we moved her out of her house 2.5 years ago!) My favorite was Arthur Duncan. His toy soldier routine at Christmas is forever stcfhed in my mind. I also love Joann Castle, and listen to her records when the thought occurs to me.

  25. Hi I just wanted to tell you what a wonderful blog you have. I'm new and I'm so glad I found your blog because I found it absoutely charming! With each picture and new item you make it puts a smile on my face. I like this post as I grew up with the show and it brought back fond memories. I put a picture of yours on my blog to let my friends find there way here and they also enjoyed it. I hope you don't mind. Your craftroom is enchanting and I imagined myself sitting in there just being happy and smiling. What a sweet world you have created. Thanks, Pearl

  26. It's me again, can you tell me how to get Sandy's CD? Thank you! Happy Crafting

  27. Just wanted to let you know that your amazingly sweet creations are so very soothing to my soul, and no matter how gloomy a day I am having, when I read your blog and see your art - I just can't help but smile. You have lifted my heart on many occasions. Thank you so much for sharing with all of us.

  28. I remember Lawrence Welk from my parents getting ready to go out on Saturday nights. I'd sit on their bed with the tv on while they got ready. I love your little peg dolls-so cute! Thanks for bringing back some fond memories!

  29. Well, count me in as a LW fan! I loved the Lennon Sisters and knew all about them. My folks used to hold them up to us as a standard of how we wanted to be when we grew up.
    Now I have new role models - women who are creative, kind and generous - you fit all those attributes Elizabeth and you have a very positive impact on the lives of so many of us. Thank you for sharing your wonderful stories and your amazing creativity with us all year long.

  30. :) ~ Your Lennon Sister dolls are soo, soo cute with their adorable little hats. I never hear the name Lawrence Welk without thinking of my dad. He loved that show and enjoyed it right up until he passed away nine years ago. I have a picture of him standing next to a life sized cardboard LW in Branson, MO. It is one of my prized possessions.

  31. Hi Elizabeth...
    I grew up watching the Lawrence Welk show every Saturday night with my parents and older sisters.
    My mom and dad loved the dance music and danced together in the livingroom thru every song.(they took dance lessons on Friday nights with several friends in our town.)
    My mom turned us 4 girls into a singing group called
    "the sisters 4"...sewed us matching costumes...taught us to sing while she played the piano...and booked us all around town for
    I love to watch the Lawrence Welk re-runs brings me back to my Saturday nights as a girl! I love to hear him say..."a one and a two"
    What a fun post...thanks for the memories!


Your kind words mean so very much to me. Thank you for your visit! Elizabeth