Friday, October 22, 2010

Caught In The Act!

In the future when I think back on the Days With the White Puppy, it will be to recall how it is possible to fall in love when you were certain you had protected your heart against such a thing.

The daily routine of guarding that which belongs to me will be a thing of the past.

A beloved craft room will hopefully become a place to visit it's owner and not a place for reconstructive craft surgery.

Little bluebirds will again be happy to perch their days away on the edge of shelves. One day!


  1. Good Evening Lovely Lady E,

    I'm 3,000 miles away and I can't be mad looking into that face! Just wait till he gets older, and can't rely on his good looks anymore......LOL. Thank you for your lovely comments on my Christmas Skinnies. I miss chatting with you.

    Love ya'

  2. Laughing at your post. Poor bluebird.

  3. I love that you caught him on film, Elizabeth--so funny! Your bluebird still looks fine...I'm sure you can restore him to his former glory!

    You're a good woman, my friend...that's all I can say!

    Hope your weekend is wonderful...and free from canine craftroom mayhem!


  4. I LOVE your blogs and blog site! Bluebirds have a special meaning to me and I am also thinking of using one in my title for my blog. My website address is and you can get to my blog thru there. I am working on my blog now and could use some advise! LOVE your bluebird title, but I've never done scrapbooking!

  5. Oh Elizabeth I have tears in my eyes from laughter :) My canine babies are 1 1/2 years old and just over a year old and I still have to remove precious craft room items from the clutches of puppy teeth. The Beagle loves the ribbon spools and the Golden loves --well she loves anything that she can chew or shred :) I guess we should look on the positive side--We have dogs that like to papercraft :) Have a Happy Weekend

  6. Elizabeth get you some tennis balls..rub your hands all over them ..constantly..for your scent..that is why he is going after your stuff..he likes your scent..aren't you Now the tennis balls will keep him busy!!

    Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  7. Elizabeth hate to say it but they never really grow out of it. Gryphon wandered into my Mum's bedroom during one of our visits and "eyed" the muffin she had on her dresser lovingly put there by my Dad for her breakfast. Gryphon left...and proceeded to return 3 times until it was just too much temptation - my Mum, who watched the whole proceedings out of the corner of her eye, said she never laughed so hard when he finally (and gracefully) took the muffin and ran - he was about 8 then -you have to love them. LOL. Jewels

  8. He wants to craft with you, and is frustrated he doesn't have opposable thumbs to sew or use a clue gun! Most of all I think he just wants to be by you!

  9. The suspense..I gasped when I was reading this post. I was hoping they would both survive!
    How sweet is that puppy?!

  10. Oh, but I love big white puppy. He is so could you not love him?

    Big hugs,

  11. I would like one of those 'clue guns' HomeandHeart speaks of! I could use a clue most days. :O) Snuzzles to the puppy! (and you for your patience)

  12. Ha! Such an adorable puppy, though, truly. :)

  13. however sweet the bluebird, i have to side with the puppy - how could anyone not to!

  14. hahahahehehehohoh...I can't quit..look at that face....Okay all ya need to do is give him his own Bluebird....that nips that right in the bud. hehehe....A childs gate or playpen (ideal) will get him used to being allowed in the room in his own space. Our Norwegian Elkhounds (all for the past 25 years have gone to work with us and hotels.) Here at the flower shop they learn the boundries of the room at 8 weeks..way too many berries and leaves to hurt em, but they learn quick:) You are havin fun!!
    And...Phew....I was worried I'd have to get on the PO for losing the package...not unusual for them. Sorry bout the message I just told her it was about the giveaway and to call..guess I shud've told her which exact giveaway.
    Well Enjoy!

  15. Ahhh....I could forgive that face anything. I can't help but laugh at his shenanigans.

  16. He is so adorable! haha! How can you get mad at that mound of fluff? LOL! OUr puppy loves chewing on empty water bottles for some strange reason. Maybe you can try those.

  17. Oh, Elizabeth, I'm laughing so hard over this post. You are a delightful writer and add to that your beautiful crafts and fantastic photos and a very adorable White Puppy and it is magic coming out of your home. You probably can't let White Puppy keep the bluebird because it will come all apart but WP sure does love it. Have a lovely day. And thanks for sharing your home and life with us.

  18. Oh E, LOL, LOL, I'm sorry but I love the escapades of this sweet pup! I'm just sorry your little bluebirds have to pay the price! Thank you so much for your comments on my blog today. Reading everyone's post brought a tear to my eyes but it was such good therapy. Hugs, Nan

  19. Awwwww! You'll have to make him his own! So cute.....

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Your kind words mean so very much to me. Thank you for your visit! Elizabeth