Saturday, March 6, 2010

Summer Circus and The Bobwhites

Truly my childhood days were very much what I imagine circus life to be. An extraordinary life not noticed at all until the Ringleader calls for the spotlight to shine your way. The Bobwhites and I often found ourselves in the most fantastical places because my mother seemed to know the most interesting people.

Friends with the owner of Iverson Mall where the Paint and Pallet's art shows were held, she was commissioned to paint very large sized oils for the executive offices at his new business venture, the Capitol Center in Landover, Maryland.

One of the country's first covered arenas and home of the NHL Washington Capitols, the Bobwhites got to attend every event that came to town, Admit One tickets in our pockets!

We especially loved the Wringing Brothers Circus. The Flying Walendas thrilled us with their tower of chairs perched on a tight rope as high as the rafters. Lions that could escape at any moment, whispered rumors that one had been caught just that morning. Clowns in tiny cars, beautiful women on horseback, sequins and colors keeping our eyes wide.

Forever summer days would soon become winter boyfriend love. Tickets for two close to the ice, no room for childhood friends. Days spent with the Bobwhites seemed as childish as the circus.

Forever Love allows the memory to travel back in time. The Ringmaster's spotlight finding forgotten moments of youth when young girls thrilled to be together with Admit One tickets in their pockets, Free.


  1. What a fabulous childhood you have had! What were some of the shows you and the bobwhites saw? I love your new peg doll! How on earth am I supposed to make one as good as yours? lol :D Much love, amny hugs!

  2. The circus had to be so much fun with childhood friends. That seal is too stinking cute!! I love his ruffled collar.

  3. OMG Elizabeth. How I love your details. The tiniest little details of your seal having a collar, your majorette having a silver hoop. I love the details of each wonderful story you tell. It brings back my own memories. Hardly a year missed when we didn't go to the Ringling Brothers Circus. Then taking my own son several times. Beautiful, wonderful memories. Thanks for having a place of respite for me to visit.

    Hugs...Tracy :)

  4. Hey Girlfriend,

    Great post, thanks for sharing your circus with us.

    Love ya'

  5. Oh, Elizabeth...those Curls on your dolls head! Just how do you do it? You are a Pro with the tiniest of details! These projects...I think I will have to wait awhile to even attempt! I have so much to learn :D

    Thanx for sharing another wonderful childhood memories of the circus. What fun!

    Have A Sunshine Sunday!

  6. Once again, Elizbeth, I find myself hanging on your every word! I so love these memory stories of yours! You had an enchanted childhood, didn't you?! Thanks so much for sharing it with us!

    I hope you have had a lovely day!

  7. Just popping in to see what you are up to here in dreamland. A day at the circus, looks like fun. Way better than our trip to Ringlings...they have too many rules, like no FLASH, TRIPODS... I mean how is one to take a pictures. So I will enjoy yours.

    Kate - The Garden Bell

  8. No one tells a story like you do, Elizabeth! Always accompanied by sweet little pictures and your glorious creations!
    I finally made one of your little nodding styrofoam chicks. Who knew it was so hard to paint styrofoam?!
    Happy Sunday!

  9. Elizabeth...the story and the doll are both magnificent. Thank you for telling a story in such a way that I wish I was there. I love the doll. I am making your easter bobbly chick box today, and may have to make a doll next. Have a wonderful weekend.
    xxoo Valarie

  10. I just found your blog hopping around blogland and I have added it to my pretty blogs list. I hope to jog my creativity back to life sometime soon as I am inspired by all you create. Come for a visit.


  11. Love your ring mistress peg doll. Is that a word? Ring Mistress. She is so pretty.
    Your childhood memories are like music to my ears. I love hearing them all, especially the way in which you write about them. Have a lovely day.

  12. I wish blogging was around while your mom was still here. She sounds like one of the most fascinating women I've ever "read" about. No wonder you have so much artistic talent flowing through those fingers of yours.
    Love, love, love the little pastel birdie garland made by 'glittery daze & nights' below. I'm very anxious to go check out her Site, along with 'kids napping...'
    Thanks for all you share!

  13. what a sweet and creative blog you have here. So colorful and inspiring. I love it.

  14. I'm behind on my blog reading, looks like you've been busy crafting all week. Wonderful as always!

    This post reminded me of a wonderful old movie I watched last weekend, "The Greatest Show On Earth". Almost three hours of the most beautiful circus costumes!

  15. You do tell a wonderful story...and create a beautiful piece of art.

    Such JOY!


  16. I loved the circus too. Still do! I posted a tiny peek at my kitchen tags. Go see.

  17. I was never a big circus fan but your two card images are cute and "non'threatening". Maybe I would have been more brave if I could have gone with the bobwhites! Safety in numbers. (It was the clowns that made me uncomfortable)

  18. Just finished her sweet little head! oh she is charming! I can't wait to finish her :) Thanks again for the wonderful project Elizabeth! I love taking on new challenges
    Hugs and lots of love! Chelsea Ann

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Your kind words mean so very much to me. Thank you for your visit! Elizabeth