Thursday, January 7, 2010

Gnome Penny Rug


Traditional Penny Rugs are created from using a penny to draw a first circle followed by consecutively larger circles. Despite the name they are not used as rugs; so don't put your Gnome Penny Rug by your bedside!

Supplies: 3/4yd white felt fabric, 1/8yd red, 1/8yd blue, 1sq. flesh (squares can be used for everything but white) Floss: 5 white, 3 red, 2 blue, 1 black, 1 flesh. Button stitch and whip stitch. Flat scissors and Pinking scissors. Time on your hands!
GNOMES: Cut 15" white circle plain, one pinked. Cut 6 blue triangle bodies and arms, cut 6 hats, PINK 6 beards, cut 6 faces, free cut 6 hands and noses.

GNOMES: Stitch faces, button stitch to Gnome bodies, embroider skirt bottom and hat. Baste arms and Gnomes in correct position.Tack stitch beard in place.BS hat over beard.

MUSHROOMS: Cut 16 red caps, 29 white circles, 16 mushrooms plain, 13 pinked. BS white circles on red cap, red cap on plain mushroom, plain mushroom on pinked mushroom.

BS plain white circle to pinked outer circle. Matching stitches, catch top of mushroom, slide needle underneath red cap, matching stitches tack to next mushroom, slide needle again under red cap to match stitches at top of mushroom to circle again. Repeat this up and down method. Iron when finished.

Please do not pin patterns to Pinterest


  1. The personalities are starting to show...I'm loving this more by the minute!

  2. Yay! I love a good gnome party! Well, I've never been to one before, but it sounds delightful! Can't wait to see yours as it progresses--and can't wait to start one of my own! Love all the magic you create--thanks for sharing it as you go!

  3. I love all your adorable vintage photos. I have started following you. Maybe you would be interested in following me.

  4. I just love gnomes. These are adorable. Elizabeth, I wish I had just a small dose of your creativity and talent. Meanwhile, I'll continue to get a thrill in seeing your lovely creations.

  5. Oh, all those little tiny stitches! I love it and I really like your collection of vintage pics. Happy to have found your blog.

  6. You know I have that Gnome Craft book you mentioned and I'm thrilled to see you making all these things, maybe I can now tackle some of them myself !

  7. Elizabeth I wanted to share a web site that I found that has fantastic vintage paperdolls that you can print!

  8. Elizabeth,you just keep amazing me with your talent! WOW!!!! No other word comes to mind! You are the queen of felt!

  9. WOW E! Holy cow...I mean, WOW! What an ENORMOUS amount of work! If only I had a third of your talent and skill (and PATIENCE) YAY! A gnome party...I will bring red "gnome caps" for us all! lol

    HOORAY! More goodies to be shared on my blog too!

  10. My mother loves Gnomes, she has them every where! Hanging on swings in her tree, standing tall in her garden. She even has one 3ft high. Well two I should say I forgot the other.
    She has them everywhere around her pond, holding fishing lines. She's crackers on them. She would love this project.
    WEll done Elizabeth, another super duper one!
    Hugs and Love Suex

  11. This is fabulous! Bravo for getting so much done on it.

  12. Thanks for sharing yet another great project! Love, love, love it!

  13. so darn cute! i can barely stand it! I have no gnomes.. and Now I'm about convinced that I need some! this is adorable E! You never cease to amaze me!

  14. This is turning out so sweet! Thank you for the details on how you do your beautiful stitching! I can't wait to see the finished result!

  15. You KNOW this just blows me away! Twyla

  16. I lost you too, I'm so sorry. I thought you had stopped blogging Elizabeth because one day I was trying to log on to you and it said it was by invite only and I could never get back to you...YEAH...we found each other again and all in the name of a Gnome Party...oh, I HAVE to be in on this. I wouldn't miss it for all the tea in China or England or France or...back to you soon-
    Jacqueline (also started a second blog called Auntie Jacquelines about an old aunt wanna be...on my side bar!)

  17. Elizabeth - I love, love, love this so much! You are so creative and I am jealous. ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic

  18. This is the cutest thing I've ever seen, E! I can't wait to show you something, but it has to wait until May. :o)

  19. I, too, thought you had stopped; I'm SO GLAD you haven't! I enjoy your talent more than words can say; SOME day I hope to have the time to tackle one.


Your kind words mean so very much to me. Thank you for your visit! Elizabeth