Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Welcome to Creative Breathing. A place where Cute As Can Be characters tell the stories of my life. While this is no longer an active blog, I do hope you will enjoy sifting through the many crafts and tutorials that can be found here. I am thankful to the many inspiring women who took this creative journey with me, and I know you will feel the same lightness of heart they gifted to me.
Elizabeth Andrus


  1. I hope you are doing great! Just know that you are missed. I give my granddaughter one of your valentine creations every year (while they last).

  2. I have been thinking a lot about you lately. Wondering if we could meet up one day. I miss you. I got so excited when I saw this post. my new email address is clowninabug@gmail.com. I would love to see you and catch up. ((((HUGS))))

  3. There you are! Oh, I've missed you and your sweet posts and so glad to see you're back! I'll be looking forward to seeing all of your cuteness again!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  4. Hi E hope you are doing well, sure have missed you~ California Hug from Me!

  5. Hope you are doing well, Elizabeth! I've missed you and your beautiful creations.

  6. Hi Elizabeth! Hope you are doing well! Miss You!


  7. Elizabeth, I have missed your posts and your darling little cast of CB characters so much. I hope you are doing well.

    xo Danielle

  8. Oh, ELIZABETH!!!
    I was hoping that you would come back as you are SO MISSED!!
    I also hope that you are well and life is good for you!

  9. Hi Elizabeth!! I hope you're doing so well!! I very much miss your sweet posts and cute tutorials. Thanks for popping in to say hello!! I sometimes come to your blog for a some inspiration and think of you from time to time :) Thanks for sharing all your beautiful creations with us!! Hope you have a wonderful week!! xo Holly

  10. Oh E,
    It is so good to hear from you....love the graphic! I hope this note finds you happy and healthy...:)
    Hugs, Sandy

  11. Elizabeth, I hope this message finds you well you well. I often check in to see you and wondered about your absence. I have missed your greatly.

  12. Oh how happy I was to see this post pop up in my reader! Here's a big HUG- you very special lady! ♥

  13. I, too, am happy to join the chorus of those who miss you and wish you well. I think of you often and wonder what you are up to. Is it still counted cross-stitch? You made some beautiful samplers. I wish my vision was good enough to tackle tiny stitches. Take care, sweet lady.

  14. Hi Elizabeth! it is SO good to hear from you. Hope you are doing well. Love, Twyla

  15. Love, love, love you, and miss you!

  16. Hi E,
    May I join in on this group hug? I was excited to see this post in my reader. Whether you are just stopping for a short visit or decide to be a more frequent visitor....I am always happy to read a word from you.
    Miss you!

  17. OMG!!!!! I have been thinking of you so much lately... and then here you are! I miss you E! You were such a bright spot out here.. I hope life is treating you well and that you are happy happy happy!!
    that your kids and their spouses are all good and that your hubby is also well!
    my life has been crazy, but I guess thats nothing new.
    miss you and love ya girlfriend!!!!!!!

  18. As you can see by all the comments, your blogging world REALLY misses you. I know you say that your blog is no longer active, but we're all hoping that you might sneak in a post or two, or three, every now and then. You've definitely been missed. Lots of hugs!

  19. cheryl porter chumbleyApril 9, 2014 at 9:33 AM

    hello Elizabeth! I was beyond excited to see a new post from you. I hope that you are well. thank you so much for all that you have shared - your stories & your creations. very best wishes! cheryl

  20. Hi Elizabeth,
    Thank you so much for sharing your stories and creations with us. You have brought tons of happiness to millions in blog land! We miss you! I hope you are doing well. We now have 5 doxies thanks to my two grand fur babies that just happen to be doxies running around the house. It is never a dull moment and we love it! Take care and have a joyous Easter season!
    Lynn and the wienee ranch gang

  21. So happy to see your post, Elizabeth! Hope your and your family are all well and happy! Thank you for leaving your blog posts up for us -- just so much there to enjoy!
    Think of you often, especially when unpacking or packing up one of the treasures from you.
    xo Jane

  22. Hello Sweet Friend! You have been in my heart and I have missed you! So happy to see your little post! Happy Spring!! xoxo

  23. Hi Elizabeth!
    You sure are missed!....I've been preoccupied with my grandson...so I havent had much time to visit or post on the blogs myself. I am so happy to hear from you and all seems well. I love the characters that you have created they make me smile when I loke at them :)

  24. Miss your beautiful stories and wonderful creations! Please take good care of yourself. ;p

  25. There are so many women here in Blogland that miss you. Please please consider coming back to us!
    Wishing you well and hoping this season brings true happiness to you. Fresh starts and lots of love!

  26. I miss you so much! Your creativity is unmatched! I have started pinning all your pictures to my Crative Breathing board so I have a back up in case this site goes away...hope you and your family are all well and happy! You have been such inspiration!! Cheryl :o)

  27. So nice to see an update on your blog!! Think of you often and your wonderful stories and your creations....I need to thank you for introducing me to crafting using felt.....I'm making a bunny for my granddaughter this Easter!!! Sending Hugs!

  28. Hallo Elisabeth,

    I come from THE netherlands and i wanted to say to You that i Miss your blogs and lovely patterns. I loved your feature most about england and cape god. i hope You Will find THE inspiration and a way back to all who is missing You out here.your words and story,s always make me think of old movies from THE fifties. And make me smile.

    With kind reggards, Esther

  29. Got so excited when I saw a new date on your blog for an update. Was hoping you were coming back. Miss all your sweet, colorful creations. They added a sweetness to my days. Is there any chance at all of a come-back? Please!

  30. Wow E, so excited to see this, you have been dearly missed by so many! I hope you are well and wish you a Happy Easter!

  31. Hi E!

    It's been a long year without your stories and creativity. I miss you and check on you often.
    Thanks for sharing your life with us.


    skybluecrayons (at) yahoo.com

  32. Elizabeth You are missed so much. I often go back and read your bog entries and fell so up lifted and happy

    Thinking of you
    Hugs Karen

  33. Just noticed you posted recently. Hoping all is well with you. I sure have missed seeing your beautiful handmade items. Hope we get to see more posts from you!

  34. Hey, Elizabeth,
    I, too, hope you are well and miss you and your wonderful posts.

    Take care and know there are people in the world who care about you.

  35. Welcome back! Keep you bookmarked for just this occasion. I am not expecting from your blog except a quick hello now and then. You were missed!

  36. wishing you the best and the best of good health!

  37. I miss you and your beautiful creations so very much! Hope you are well and happy! Cindy

  38. Will you ever come back to blogging and share your Sweetness with us again? Or another Blog where we can follow how you are and what wonderful things are happening to you? Missed you sooooo...

    Huggs, Nancy

  39. Miss you, Elizabeth! Hope you return to blogging someday!
    Michelle xo

  40. Hi Elisabeth

    Now And than I look if you are blogging again. I miss your creativity, your choice of colors, and your lovely family stories. I hope you are doing well and I hope you wil show us again some of your lovely work.

  41. Hi Elizabeth. I was just thinking about you and am hoping you're okay.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  42. Hi, Elizabeth--

    'Thinking of you. 'Hope you return to your blog someday. You're a gifted storyteller.

    Best Wishes, ♥


  43. Hoping you are doing well, sweet lady!
    Michelle xo

  44. Hello from Portugal! I found your blog while searching for a tutorial about how-to dogs with pipe cleaning! WONDERFUL creations! I loved your characters so much, a beautiful universe! Congratulations on your talent! Have a Merry Christmas and a creative New Year!

  45. Just wanted to tell you that I was thinking of you, and miss you so much. I always loved reading your stories, you are such a sweet person.

  46. Hi Miss E. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Happy New Year. I hope things are well with you. Wish you would come back to bloggy someday. HUGS

  47. I don't say this very often but you must be one of the most talented women I have ever seen. I loved going through your blog. I couldn't even hope to do any of your tutorials justice

  48. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  49. I can't tell you how much I enjoy your blog. The pictures are eye candy, and you've inspired me to start crafting. Thanks for sharing.

  50. Hi Elizabeth! Your blog came up on my blog list as a new post and I ran right over. Oh, I do wish you'd come back. I just pray you're okay and all is well in your world. I just love your blog and seeing all of your creativity. Know you're missed.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  51. I found your site very beautiful and distinguished too. Thank you for your good work and continue.

  52. I saw it come up as new, too and wanted to say Hello! I miss you sweet lady! Hugs, Diane

  53. Hi again, Elizabeth! Oh, no, your blog came up as a new post and I rushed over to see and it's not here. I'm still missing you!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  54. I keep getting notified of a new blog post and when I check, it's been deleted 😢 why?

  55. I found your blog today from something on Bee in My Bonnet that inspired me. Really like your cuter than cute peoples, ducks, birds...they remind me of two of my favorite cartoons, Rolie Polie Olie, Mrs. Spider, and the early Mickey Mouse. His dance and whistle was cute. I plan to read all of your posts when I get a chance and try one of your peoples.

  56. I found such a happy place going through your blog! I have been looking through it for two days now. What started as a fun google paper clay crafts pulled up your little world. I keep it up all day at work and peek at your fun work. It makes the long day fun. Love Love your work. You have inspired me to do so much. thanks for sharing!

  57. Elizabeth! Another post of yours came up on my blogroll! Where is it? I miss you and wish I could see your posts. Have you made your blog private? Waa Waa! Anyway, hope you're doing well.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  58. Elizabeth, it's me again. I see a new post from you on my blog feed but when I click on it I'm always brought here. Have you banned me from your blog? If I've ever done anything to offend you, I promise it was not intentional. I loved your posts and I don't know why they don't show up for me.

  59. I love your posts and I want to thank you for sharing your works and patterns with us. Thanks.

  60. Hi Elizabeth, I sure do miss you and your wonderful stories and crafts. I wish you would come back but most of all I hope you are doing well.

  61. Dear Elizabeth, I just now noticed Your blog post coming up on My blog roll : ) Was there a glitch or something ? When I jumped on over excitedly,there was no new or later post done . Am I missing something ? hoping all has been well with You and Your family. Hugs and blessings Your way. Denise

  62. Where are you, Elizabeth? We miss you!!!!
    Hoping you're okay.
    Shelia ;)

  63. Bonjour,
    J’ai flânée pendant un moment sur votre site, et je vous dit bravo pour tout ce que vous proposez. Très intéressant

  64. 'Just thinking of you, Elizabeth, and hoping you and yours are doing well. Happy new year! I'll have to look for your email in my saved comments--You'd asked for a sugar cookie recipe awhile back, as looking at my old Christmas pictures just reminded me. :) Best wishes, Val ♥

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Your kind words mean so very much to me. Thank you for your visit! Elizabeth