Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hold the Phone!

Dear, dear friends, Thank you so much for your encouraging words.  It embarrasses me terribly to draw attention to myself, but I was in such a panic that I would not be able to mail out things promised. By the middle of the night, and a pain pill later, I was able to finish. But HOLD THE PHONE. . .

I believe I have sent two Sailor Ducks to the wrong people!!! Please, if you should read this, contact me at elizabeth.andrus@yahoo.com when you receive the package. I will give you the correct address and send you postage. I am so terribly sorry for this mistake.  Lesson learned, don't craft on drugs!

I am afraid I will need knee surgery for torn ligaments in my knee. How did I tear them, you ask? While using the rowing machine at the gym. I love rowing because it creates the nicest breeze. You truly do feel as though you are on a lake on a warm spring day. SPRING - I know! How cute is Laura's little bluebird!

I am not happy at all to have my crafting interrupted, but I do want to share with you the sweetest Nursery characters that ever were. I am obsessed these days with vintage wrapping paper. Swoon worthy, this sweet baby print!

I do believe this is THE cutest character I have ever made! Oh my gosh! I just love this little stork! (See below for availability)

Thank goodness it's Daylight Saving Time; so my middle of the night finishings weren't as late as they would be had I hurt myself the day before! I plan to make all of my little felt Easter characters as nursery ones to ride along in floats meant just for them. EAK! Look at these little rattle fellas. My most favorite of the vintage nursery characters found on greeting cards.

"Nose to Nose" kisses!

I finally fell asleep needle in hand at 4 o'clock this morning as I sat propped and fluffed and cooking on my heating pad as I worked on my Delivery Pom Pom.

Sigh, Don't you just love vintage nursery items? This deliverer of Good News is waiting for his chariot to arrive in the mail. He needed just the right planter, I can't wait for you to see!

Thank you again for letting me panic "out loud". I have had only a glimpse of the pain many of our dear friends live with daily. It truly is frightening.Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart, for your kindness to me. (A special thank you to Laura, Vintage Bettys for your spring paper egg and Cute as Can Be bluebird!)

Elizabeth Andrus 112 Gibraltar Ct Delaware OH 43015


  1. I must have missed the post where you hurt yourself...I am so sorry! I tore my knee out some years back and it was the worst pain of my life. Until I had surgery I had to crawl to the bathroom. Good luck, sweet friend! May your time of suffering be short indeed!

  2. Surgery! You must have been rowing really fast. So sorry. Drugs can do funny things to you. A few years back I had emergency appendectomy and couldn't sleep in the hospital so they gave me a sleeping pill and I talked to a nurse all night-except the nurse wasn't real. I absolutely love, love, love the stork! He is as cute as can be and so is his little bundle. And the little rattlers...perfect! I can't wait to see the planter that you bought for him. I love Laura's bluebird and paper egg-so cute! I hope you have a wonderful, pain free day, Holly

  3. So sorry about your knee. I have just recently recovered from a jaw surgery. It was painful and a slow process. But it can also be a time to relax, watch some of your favorite movies, and craft. Just loving your little nusery characters. I collect vintage baby items. They are just so sweet can't resist. Feel better soon.

  4. Noooooo! I don't want our E do have to go through a surgery!
    Shoot! Wondering when this will be and what your recovery will be like.
    I know it's not funny, but I had to giggle about ducks being sent during a drug induced haze! Haa!
    Erica :)

  5. Awe crap, I was hoping you hadn't done the "torn ligament" thing. Well, thank goodness it's outpatient (hopefully) and you won't be down long. Please keep me informed, and again, I'll call you later this week.

    Love ya'

  6. I was so hoping that with time you would heal without the surgery. I didn't have to have surgery. My husband needs a replacement but doesn't have sick leave. He had the scope repair two years ago to bandaide his problems. It has worked pretty well for him. So sorry. It can be so painful.
    Pain pills don't mix well with our brains.
    Don't feel bad for telling us. That's what we are for. We are real friends you know.
    As cute as that stork is, that bunny is really really sweet. Of course, I have bunny brain right now, hah.
    Feel better.

  7. You take on so much, sweet E! I hope you'll take care of yourself! I love the sweet little felt bunny. I'm going to see if I can find a pattern for him! Sweet hugs!

  8. So sorry to hear that you have to have knee surgery. We have an orthopedic doctor in our area that has discovered a break thorough thing for knee surgery. He calls it a knee cocktail that he injects to that area during surgery. His patients are up walking in the hall a few hours after surgery and
    if both knees require surgery one is done one day and the other the next day!! He has traveled all over the world lectuing and informing other surgerons of his technique!
    I would love to have a baby item if one is still available. I have quite the collection of items from my baby days and husband's baby things also!So please put me on the list if one is still available!!
    I just love the vintage baby cards and birth announcements are some of my favorites.
    take care of yourself!! I wish they would leave time alone!! Or we could be like Arizona and stay the same all year long!!
    Feel better soon!
    Lynn and the wienee ranch crew minus our special and sweet girl, Pebbles!:O(

  9. So sorry that surgery is in your future. I wasn't a very good patient with my foot surgery and recovery. Please know that I will praying for you. Extra hugs, dear friend!

  10. Don't craft on drugs. Words of wisdom I don't often hear in blogland. Bummer on that knee...at you least your were doing something good for you rather than tripping or falling.

    ps I used to be on a crew team in college and there is nothing better than being out on a lake rowing away.

  11. Oh no, surgery! So sorry to hear that, I hope you have a fast and easy recovery! Your whole collection of cuties are just darling! I love your little mouse too! xo HOlly

  12. I'm sorry to hear that you need surgery. Hopefully, it will bring you the relief you need and you'll be able to row faster than the wind :D
    Your figures are always so cute but it's the facial expression on the stork that makes him so endearing!

  13. Where will these "be available"? I'd love to purchase some of your work, but I don't see a link to an etsy or other shop to purchase.

  14. I have been through a ligament knee surgery and made a full recovery, although it was years ago. I know you will too. Plenty of time to craft while you are recuperating. Please keep us posted. Love your nursery characters. They are adorable!

  15. Elizabeth,

    I have been quietly reading your blog for years. Ever since you found me on etsy, I have enjoyed reading your recalled stories and watching your craftwork grow and develop. But these nursery things are my favorite so far - no surprise! Just darling. I hope you zip through surgery and recovery ... as good as new!

  16. Hello Elizabeth...I'm sorry that you are still in so much pain ..I can wait for the duck...you know I am a very patient person :) Seriously don't rush....I would love to buy the Delivery pom pom ...I can wait I justwant to put him on order :)
    Thank you,

  17. Take it easy, don't over do it and you will be back rowing "on the lake" soon.
    Chris =]

  18. Do take care sweet Elizabeth! I am so sorry to hear of your injury. May you mend quickly and completely.
    Loving all the new goodies you are creating!xoxo

  19. Oh my goodness! So sorry to hear about the surgery, but with the latest and greatest methods, I'm sure you will be on the mend (hehe) very soon! I would love to buy a stork if you have one left, would look so cute in my grandbaby's nursery!
    Warmly chris

  20. Hi Elizabeth, Please take care of you self. I hope that you feel better, get well soon. xoxo

  21. Friends don't let friends craft on drugs. ;)

    You poor girl. Pain sure does wear one out- I know with my back. ♥

    I love your little rattle fellas. My favorite thing on vintage cards, too!

  22. Elizabeth I would like to purchase the delivery pom pom and if he is already gone I would like one of the other storks. Thanks

  23. Hello Elizabeth...I just got home from work and yes I want the fat pom pom delivery stork :) send me an email on how much...Thank you\Laura

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Your kind words mean so very much to me. Thank you for your visit! Elizabeth