Monday, September 10, 2012

Happy Anniversary!

How often I have stated how very much I love my blog. For me it is the place I have woven together the connecting threads of Mother Love.

It is the place I have found the pathway through my own words to reconnecting to a mother I barely knew and longed to understand.

And the place I shared my tears over my own daughter ever finding her way back to me. 

And ultimately, it is the place where all my dreams have come true. This day, 9-10-12, finds my sweet Twirly Swirly Girl, happy, and healthy, and loved by Joe.

There isn't anything more this mother could want.

Please do not Pin pattern to Pinterest


  1. Yeah, Twirly Girl. Love this picture.
    Quit teasing with the owls. I want one and missed getting in on the sale. They are so adorable.

  2. Oh wow, that year went fast, Elizabeth! I'll bet they can't believe it's been a year.

    On another note, if you still have that item you mentioned you put on the side for me, let me know and I'll get a check out to you.

  3. Happy Anniversary to your Twirly Girl and her Dear Husband! Yes, our children's happiness truly makes US happy. Sometimes they don't realize that....
    I am excited, too, because I picked up my Whitman's Choco boxes and the silver sparkly pipe cleaners and a few other goodies for the SWAP. I dumped all of the chocolates into a plastic zip bag (of course I ate two!) I've been thinking and thinking on my theme, but now I know what I want to's a secret for now. LOL Soooo excited to be a part of this Swap Friendship Circle!! :D

  4. Beautiful photo of your Swirly Girl and I am happy for you. Cute owls too.

  5. So glad that you are here to keep us in stitches, paper, glue sticks and wonder at your creativity!

  6. How wonderful for you :) :) Hope you have a great Monday! xx Holly

  7. Happy Anniversary! I love your blog and I treasure our friendship! Many more happy years of blogging, Twirly girl! Sweet hugs!

  8. Oh My! Has it been a year already??? Happy Anniversary to TSG and Joe and wishes for many, many more!


  9. So nice to know our children are happy and loved isn't...and I love your blog!!!


  10. Happy anniversary to them--and to you. I know it is a beautiful thing for you to feel such peace about her and from her. ♥

    Much Love,


  11. Please wish them a 'Happy 1st Anniversary!' Their picture is beautiful, by the way. Thank you again for sharing all of your wonderful creations. I love them all! Have a terrific week.

  12. What?! I can't believe it's been a year! Happy anni TSG!

    My blog has been so many things to me, too. It's one of the best decisions I've ever made. ♥

  13. A year already! How exciting. Happy Anniversary to your Twirly Girl and her hubby.

  14. Happy Anniversary to your darling girl and her loving husband. May the road ahead bring only sunshine and happiness for them.

    Susan and Bentley

  15. I cannot believe it has been a year! Congratulations to such a sweet couple. We have enjoyed the journey just as much as you E...smiles...Renee

  16. I'm so glad that your blog brings you such joy E! I'm finding mine to be such a source of fun and support in my life as well.
    Glad we are friends :)

  17. you belong here!!! happy blogaversary!

  18. A year already???? I am so happy for you that your daughter is happy and you two have reconnected in a very special way..and that Joe is so very special and loving! Hugs, Sandy

  19. there is nothing more special then seeing others find each other and experience the love we have been so blessed to have in our own lives. young love is special. congratulations to the newlyweds. ;p

  20. What a sweet picture of your Twirly Girl and her new Hubby. So glad you found this happy place in BLogland!

  21. Happy day for your girl! It's such a blessing when our children find happiness...that's the dream we have for them. Thank for for the dear little owl button jar! What a fun Etsy sale that was! =D

  22. So wonderful Elizabeth!! Happy Anniversary to your sweet girl and hubby!! xo Heather

  23. Such a sweet post Elizabeth. Blogs can be magical things, can't they?! Sources of inspiration, friendship and healing. Means of self expression and unlocking the past.

    Wishing you and all your dear ones, much love.


  24. What a beautiful couple!! They are so happy! Please tell them Happy First Anniversary for me.

  25. Such a quick year!!! Goodness where does the time fly!? Happy anniversary to your Twirly Girl! She's beautiful!

  26. Such wonderful thoughts. You KNOW I totally related to the sentiment "a pathway through my own words to reconnecting to a mother I barely knew and longed to understand." Wonderful therapy a blog can bring. It takes many years to figure out, but blogging certainly speeded up that process for me. I could be wrong, but I think my mom would be (is) happy about my blogging therapy. :)
    Congrats on Twirly Girl and Joe's Anniversary. Wow, time flies!

  27. For years I watched Martha Stewart's television show almost every day. Occasionally, I tried one of her ideas and a few of her simpler recipes are amongst our family favorites.

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Your kind words mean so very much to me. Thank you for your visit! Elizabeth