Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Where Bloggers Create, 2012

Have you been enjoying visiting the craft rooms of the women Where Bloggers Create, 2012 at Karen Valentine's, My Desert Cottage? I don't believe my head found rest upon my pillow until the small morning hours. I so wanted to visit just one more place of inspiration.

To share your creative space is to wear your heart on your sleeve. A glimpse into the core of your true personality and how it finds it's way into your art. The hope for acceptance, the hope for inclusion.

This is the doorway to my heart. This is the way to Creative Breathing.

It all began for me with a Bluebird. An image chosen for my Profile has become the symbol of my blog. I hoped from the very beginning to create a blog that would capture in words and images the way I feel when I look at this sweet vintage Valentine.

If you should peek into my craft room, I hope my Anniversary Hoosier will make you smile. I know it does me each and every time I enter this space.  Found tucked away in an antique mall just waiting for me to pass by, a telephone call to my husband, a delivery the very same day.

There is always a holiday to celebrate in my craft room. The shelves of my Hoosier teem with the chatter of characters busily planning their own special day. When it's their turn, they appear front and center on the large expanse of enamel gleaming like a polished dance floor.

If it can be said that the Hoosier shelves belong to my characters,

it's drawers belong to mE! On this, I stand FIRM! There would be no Craft Room Characters if there were no pipe cleaner stems.

I am a prolific crafter and can barely keep my craft room stocked with supplies. I never thought I would be a person who could run out of orange pipe cleaner stems, but apparently I am. I only need this inside space of the bottom of my cupboard to hold my paper.

I am a Use What's on Hand kind of girl; so a happy pie box holds yarn to make pom pom birds, a scrapbook binder to hold my patterns.

My Pattern binder is my crafting bible. A day does not end that I haven't pulled it out to retrieve or return a pattern to it's place. I love that one character will inspire another.

Tucked alongside my Hoosier is a pink dolls cupboard that has seen it's better day, but is just the place to hold crafting supplies used most frequently.

Every creative person needs a special spot to sit and ponder. Mine is a porch rocker under a beloved Christmas movie poster. It's colors and theme set an every day holiday mood.

Pillows for comfort, the Heart of Ohio a gift from the sweetest of blogging friends, Renee of My Vintage Mending . The afghan was made by Twyla of Two Crazy Crafters.

A lampshade I embroidered to read beneath, a little chef shaker tassel to remind me of my daughter's culinary days. Girl Friday? A signature tag line seen in my paper art.

A most frivolous purchase that had to be made, a battered red magazine rack for my Go-to issues of Mary Englebreit's Home Companion.

Also red and so special to me, is this peg rack that holds so many of the tags of women who have been kind enough to share their paper art with me as well as their friendship. Smiling here, this peg rack always does this for me.

Another surface for displaying cute, a "borrowed" trellis to change with the seasons. Ribbon used most frequently is kept in these three plastic jars.

A banner from Holly, Cutie Pie Cottage for the Friendship Garland I will hang to remind me of the women who most inspire me in this special place.

A top drawer contains my most used crafting supply, woolfelt from Joggles. A page from my pattern book lets me know whose presence is required next for holiday entertaining.

A second drawer contains vintage crafting elements, a third drawer Styrofoam and Paper Clay, a fourth shipping supplies.

I so enjoy looking at every single small detail of my own craft heroes, I do hope you are enjoying looking at the many details of my own creative space. The little canning jars will be Button Keeps for every month. I hope the readers of my blog will join in the fun of creating twelve different toppers and share them with us all.

Kept on the bottom shelf of this bookcase, a moment of silence please, are the familiar spines of the most wonderful magazine every published. What a joy Mary Englebreit has been to so many of our lives.

Nearing the homestretch now, a beloved craft desk with a view. A view of the wonderful Pennsylvania Dutch painted Hoosier and leafy Norwegian Maple brilliantly colored in the fall just over my shoulder. I love this space, I truly am my most happy self here. There are leaves on both sides of the table should more room be needed. The little oval table holds extra supplies as I work.

I create most effectively within the confines of a small space. It helps me to see the familiar in new ways. My crafting tools are basic and minimal in the hopes of demonstrating that creativity is not hampered by limited access to new supplies.

A Santa in July? His cheery presence can be felt throughout my crafting space.

His favorite color, mine as well.

A final corner cupboard holds finished crafts for Giveaways and for sale.

A ME style container holds vintage greeting cards. Their nostalgic graphics inspire my work.

A spice rack makeover keeps small items neat and tidy on the last wall spot available, hung just above the cutest squirrel bookcase ever.

We have finally made our way back to where it all began. A Bluebird cute as can be, Creative Breathing a place I am so happy to share.

Thank you very much Karen for the opportunity to participate in this wonderful exchange of creativity.


E said...

Oh Elizabeth,
What a joy to visit your space. I love the colors, the furniture, the organization, but most of all the wonderful creations made in this space, thanks for always sharing "you" with us :) Elaine

Unknown said...

I want to live there-among the shelves and the characters. Now, I just need to invent a shrink ray.

Tammy's in Love said...

I'm pretty sure my crafts would be cuter if I had a great room like that to run away to! You may be out of paper but that brown drawer has more peg dolls to come out soon, I bet! I would love to craft along in this cheery room!

Unknown said...

Elizabeth thank you so much for sharing your room!! It is so special!! And so you!!


Lynn said...

Oh I just love your room. Everything is just lovely. I love the way you organize all of your supplies. I can't wait to see what you make as your button jar toppers. Can you please share the name of the paperclay that you use again? I know you get it at Micheals but I can't remember the name. Thank you for the tour of your super cute craft room!
Lynn from Life on the Wienee Ranch

Anonymous said...

I love seeing your craft room and everyone that lives there! :)

Sorry for not being more clear but the tag/block I sent you was the one I made for the lunch box social swap that I ended up backing out of. I know the friendship banner is meant to be triangle shaped. ♥

Debby said...

Love your special room. So neat and tidy. Love that hoosier. What a great space.

sassypackrat said...

Thank you so much for a tour of your lovely craft room! I so enjoyed seeing what was in your Hoosier as I've often wondered what goodies were stored inside.

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

You have such a happy space here, Elizabeth! I'm so glad you did a post sharing this very creative of spaces. I love your cabinet and the furniture pieces you used in here. The red is a lovely bit of color with the white. I love how you've got your creations throughout the room adding fun and color.

My Vintage Mending said...

E...I can not explain my excitement nor can I contain my joy. This is simply the happiest place on east. I want to come and sit in the rocker. Get a close up of all your crafting beauty. I would simply never leave...thank you for sharing...smiles...Renee

Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

SOOOOOO adorable! Such a lovely space! So so ....Mary Englebreit! She would be so proud. And I did spot the beautiful LuRay pieces, yes, yes, I did! (I've collected them for 20 years now....I Think you've just inspired a twenty years celebration Post about theM!)

So glad I stopped by to visit today!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Your room is so perfectly organized and the whites and reds are so cheerful! I love spending time with you and seeing what you create. I'm so glad we are friends!


deb :)

Musings from Kim K. said...

I've been smitten with your Hoosier since you first brought it home. I've been scrolling up and down on this post taking in all your precious touches. I spy a lovely dollhouse that makes me smile. Your room is perfectly YOU. Thank you for sharing your delightful studio.

Sandy said...

Storybook whimsy at its finest, this was like walking through a favorite childhood tale! LOVE you felt creations and thank you so much for patterns, I can't wait to try some of these out for my grandchildren. I am a new follower and would love to add you to my sidebar. This tour was pure delight, thank you for sharing!

vintage grey said...

Elizabeth, what a beautiful an inspiring studio!! So neatly organized and filled with such wonderful treasures! Thanks for sharing where you create!! xo Heather

annemarie said...

Wow this is wonderful - thanks for sharing your creative space!

Pam @ Frippery said...

Elizabeth, Of all the craft rooms in the world, yours is the prettiest and the best organized. I love every inch. What a happy space to create all of the lovely things that come from your hands. Thanks for sharing your tour. I am going back for another lap around the room!

Dorothy Prudie Vintage said...

Elizabeth...just to show us your most personal space is such a nice gesture on your part. I so enjoyed seeing everything. I too am a big fan of Mary E. In fact, I have many of her pictures hanging in my house. I just wish her magazine was still in print. I love the corner cupboard and how you backed it with scrapbooking paper...I think it is paper. At any rate, you have inspired me to get out my red hat rack. Now that I have seen what you did, I think I have plenty of goodies to do me one. Love visiting your blog.

laurie -magpie ethel said...

Adorable with a capital "A"! Love all the colors and whimsy and can see why it inspires you so.

my you are tidy!

CATHY said...

What a unique feel your studio has. so pretty. love the bright colors. I enjoyed visiting - cheers

LBP said...

Such organization, such beauty, and such creativity. I am afraid my craft room is just like my mind, unorganized, scrambled, and frazzled. I need to work on these things and I am. It takes time.



kimber said...

Thank you for sharing your creative space and self with all of us. You bring such happiness and joy to my heart. Both you and your space are so special! My heart skips a beat with each new post! xoxo

Lorie said...

What a beautiful and inspiring space! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I enjoy all of your posts and wonderful creations!

Lorie in NC

craftyles said...

I'm so happy to see your whole craftroom. Your cabinet is fantastic and your little vignettes in each shelf are adorable. I love the corner shelf with the paper backing. I love it all actually-I don't think I'd ever come out of that wonderful, creative room!

Lynne said...

Oh, how wonderful! Your room just makes me smile :) I would love to have another look at the aqua squirrel shelf- I've never seen one like it.
Thank you for sharing your world with us!

Unknown said...

Oh E !!!!!
Finally the whole space and it is so magical! I can see you sitting in that vintage lawn chair crafting away.......What a wonderful space! Even better than I imagines, and so very red! Creative Breathing is such a perfect name for your blog and your lovely room E, it fits you to a "T"! Hugs, Sandy

Unknown said...

Your creative space really makes me smile. I so love looking at all of the vintage treasures you have. I specially love your vintage cards. I have a collection of my dad's cards given to him for most birthdays and holidays, etc. up until he was about five I would say. I love, love every single on of them.
Thanks for sharing your amazing fun space.

Ina said...

I LOVED every nook and crany of where you create. You inspire me every time I read your words and see your creations. THe circus you sent me lives on a shelf above my sewing room window. I bought the shelf at Target and spray painted in aqua.

Even my husband admired your beautiful work! ;p I don't know you but I do adore you! ;p

xo, ina

marie said...

Elizabeth, your creative space is simply charming. It's so organized, so colorful, so wonderful, and so very you! Thank you so much for taking the time to put together this post. It's been such a pleasure to look at this bright & cheery space. I will return to this post often...because it just makes me happy to look at your treasures!!!

The Star Gal said...


I often wonder how you can be so adorably modest about your creations. I have been secretly visiting you every day for almost two years now, and nothing warms my heart more (well maybe a puppy) than to see the lovely things you make. All this, and that's not even mentioning your lovely way of telling a story.

Don't ever leave me.

Gloria in Virginia

★Carol★ said...

I always look forward to this yearly event, because I can indulge my craft room dreams! And I especially love to see where YOU create all of that cuteness. I bet that getting inspired in there is a piece of cake!

Anonymous said...

Always amazing! You inspire me to organize and get busy. Thanks for sharing your lovely room.

RetroSandie said...

Mz E, your craft room is indeed inspiring! I love everything about it! It's cheerful, has so many adorable things to look at and ponder over, and just seems to scream "Come Create"!!!! Thanks for the visit...I would say that you are truly blessed to have such a cozy space in which to weave your magic. And all of your projects are indeed magical! I would love to see it month by month-to see the subtle changes and characters. Ever since I first came upon your blog, it has become one of my favorites that I MUST visit daily. Thank you! Thank you!

Maureen Hayes said...

I love your space because in seeing it, I felt I really got to know you. I don't think there is a greater compliment than that. It isn't cookie cutter craft room, it is unique, whimsical and lovely.

I found your blog through this hop, but am now following you because I enjoyed your tour and creations so much. I can't wait to see what you do next!

Anonymous said...

Your room is like a wonderland. I have been oohing and awwwing from the beginning to the end! I love the bright colors and the hoosier is amazing. Thanks for sharing and thanks for visiting my little crafting corner!

I also love Shirley Temple and have most of her movies!

GardenOfDaisies said...

I love everything in your craft room AND everything creative that comes out of it! (Did you see your little blue owl pinkeep when you looked at the pictures of my little crafting area?) The little aqua squirrel shelf is the cutest thing. And I can't pass a hoosier cabinet anymore without thinking of you.

Lemon Lane Studio said...

Such a colorful room to play and so organized. I love color, it inspires me and makes me smile. I found several ideas that I will look to incorporate into my own space. So pretty!

Scrap for Joy said...

No matter how many times I've seen pieces of your crafting space, I have enjoyed seeing all of these pictures in their entirety. I chuckle when I see how neatly everthing is arranged in your space...a look I might long for but will never achieve. Please don't ever remove this post...it's a favorite place to visit for inspiration and calm! I'm hoping to work on my banner piece this coming week~(I looked for the instructional post you had with the directions but it seems to be gone :(..I'm trying to remember the measurements)

Charmaine Hansen said...

Elizabeth, You have the happiest studio I have been too. Bright inviting colors and a childlike aura. Love It...Your work is so creative I will be back and take time to enjoy more! Thank you for opening up your studio...

just me... jan said...

I'm gobsmacked darlin'! I adore your room! It's fresh...it's clean...it's airy...it's bright...and it's filled with FUN!!! And your felted creations...I'm TOTALLY enchanted with them! Do you sell patterns so that others can create them as well? Like you, I'm crazy about pom pom creatures too. Your work is beautiful...particularly your lampshade...LOVELY!
just me...sendin' HUGE snaps for a simply WONDERFUL creative space...jan

just me... jan said...

I've just been scrolling through the rest of your blog...can't believe you share soooo much information! ROFLOL What a treasure you are! I'm your newest big fan...signin' up now as your umpteenth million follower! LOL
just me...grinning from ear to ear...jan

Maureen said...

I DARE anyone to step into your room and NOT end up with a huge smile on their face. It can't be done!

Wonderful, truly, wonderful Elizabeth! Colourful, organized, inspiring...

Thank you so much for the tour of this very special place!

Mari Brown and Colourblob said...

I love your room, it brings me a lot of great childhood memeories to light. Its the colours and the little vintage things and a room thats white on white. You have such a great energy and that all reflects in your space. I looked at your other posts and I like it how you show things step by step and you include where you get your materials from... I will have try some of these things with my daughter.

Great tour and thank you so much for sharing with us : )

fairyrocks said...

What a fun colorful space. It looks so vintage and tidy. Thanks for sharing. You are certainly unique with your look. I am loving how all the bits of red and yellow give your space an antique embroidery feel. Beautiful
Keep smiling and creating

Carol T said...

One of my favorite Northern Michigan Restaurants - The Cherry Hut. Happy to see my state represented!

Pieceful Bits said...

Your space is so organized. It sure looks inviting for me and my cup of coffee:)

Lynette Killam said...

I had a smile on my face throughout this entire visit, Elizabeth...thank you for that! Your studio is a delight, with its whimsy and special touches...so sweet!

So glad you stopped by my place...:)

❁Velma ~Down Our Country Road❁ said...

I'm a little late in reading this post but am so glad I decided to do so. Such a lovely place to craft and so many pretties to catch the eye. I can see why this is your little haven. :)

Helena White said...

Your space is a whimsical fun space! All those vintage treasures treasures surely would inspire anyone! Thanks for letting me take a peek.

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Rita Barakat said...

My little girl(6)and I are ooohhh and ahhhing over your treasures! Adorable space so full of character!

The Checkered Apple said...

Just fell in love with your darling felt creations and your website which is full of fun and inspiration! Your crafting space is just too cute. Looking forward to more visits soon!

kathy said...

oh would I love to spend some time with you in your space and learn!!!!! You have struck a chord within me. I am going to be moving to Findlay Ohio as soon as our current home in STL sells, pretty close to you I believe. thank you for sharing your space and creativity. Kathy

kathy said...

oh would I love to spend some time with you in your space and learn!!!!! You have struck a chord within me. I am going to be moving to Findlay Ohio as soon as our current home in STL sells, pretty close to you I believe. thank you for sharing your space and creativity. Kathy

Anonymous said...

To be short; I just love it!! Greetings from Holland.

tania fellows said...

My mind is blown & my creativity tickled! thank you for posting your room... WOW C:

Violet said...

I came across your blog while following a vintage greeting card thread. Wow, this is just beautiful. Thank you for sharing pictures of your room, it's so inspiring and a joy to see!

voyance gratuitement par mail said...

I have gone through your blog it was really very informative. I definitely share these views to my close friends keeps up the good work going. Waiting for your next post to live.

Anonymous said...

Happy and positive vibe. I am new to vintage and am excited to start crafting again. Thrifting has stimulated my creativity gene because the variation of eras and materials, patterns and images. It stimulates memory and thinking, evaluation skills. "What the world needs now" keeps playing in my head as I wandered through your creative space. Thank you for sharing your loving heart with viewer like me.