Friday, February 25, 2011

Egg Hunt

The realization came to me today as I was deciding which desktop file to place this photo of a newly made pincushion that I have lots and lots of files filled with lots and lots of projects. Do I file this cute as can be pincushion under "Think Pink", "Easter Cute", or "Pincushions"?

When I realized I didn't even have a file titled "Pincushions", I knew it was time to organize. Did you even know I make pincushions? My blog has become so deep, thick, long, .... what word do you use for a blog? that you might not even know this.

I know the day will come when my crafting journey has come to an end, and I want to leave a blog that will be a place to inspire others creativity.

I am working diligently to go through my many posts to find long forgotten projects, tutorials, or information that might be of interest to someone who loves to craft as much as I do.

I am adding a list of crafts for easy access on my sidebar so that finding the project you perhaps are looking for won't be such an ....



  1. I did not know that you made pincushions, Elizabeth! Aren't they just as lovely as your tags! I love the design of the one with the soldiers.

  2. Love these pincushions - they are simple adorable!!

  3. E- I am so thrilled with your good news, the fun begins! I have one of your treasured pincushions. It sits in a happy spot in my Studio. The Easter one is just precious! Great detail. Hugs from Diane in California

  4. What a wonderful plan, Elizabeth! I confess, I haven't done any bloganizing yet, so no help from me, I'm afraid!

    Love these beautiful projects of yours, my friend...they make me smile...

    What a lovely future son-in-law you've got, Elizabeth...lucky you!

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend!


  5. Sounds like your daughter chose a keeper!

    I also like to make pincushions. Have you ever tried the bottle cap pin cushion? They are quite addictive. I made about a dozen before I wound down!

  6. Oh Eliabeth!those are just yummy.Pincushions good enough to eat.So pretty.

  7. Wow a side of crafting from you I had not seen...awesome!!!!

    Joe is sounding more and more like a certain person who wooooed you many years ago..lolThey say they always marry someone like their daddy's.

    Hugs Cindy from Rcik-Rack and Gingham

  8. Oh gosh, your pincushions are so adorable! LOVE looking at all of your creations. Thanks for sharing so much.

  9. I love all of these cuties! Can't wait to see what comes out of your imagination next.

  10. Oh I love Irmi anything. I have the Jack and Jill lamp in my little attic guest room. Looking back at my son's baby pictures I just saw his mobile - a new Irmi - before it was "vintage"! Putting them on the pincushions is just genius. Two artists will be around forever and ever...Irmi and E!!!! They are just gorgeous. You are so so sweet to share your knowledge and skill. xoxo Nancy

  11. Elizabeth, where do you get your Irma images? Do you take them from old lamps?

    Michle Machala

  12. I can't wait to spend more time strolling through your past crafts. Your pin cushions are just delightful.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  13. You just amaze me...Your pin cushions are AWESOME!!! I love the felt flowers and the little beads.
    Just a wonderful as your felt hearts.
    Happy Weekend.

  14. Elizabeth,
    I had no idea that you made pincushions! I love them, like I love everything you do.

    I have to tell you a little story. Last night, I called my friend, Donna, who lives hours away in South Dakota. She is one of my dearest friends and we did nine years of women's retreats together. Now this woman is a top notch crafter. I showed her your site. She went NUTS. She thought you made the cutest things she had ever seen. We spent about an hour (long-distance) going through your flicker patterns, talking about the felt you used and wondering where you got it (I now see!!!) and just oooohing and aaaaahing. I had so much fun. She remembered the Katsui heart you made for me . Well, this is not a blog person (or much of a computer person) but I know we will be coming back together!

    Just wanted you to know you are sooo appreciated. I am a lousy organizer and am no help on bloganizing but I so appreciate you doing this. You could write a book, you know...

    Love you,

  15. Elizabeth, you are such a sweetheart! Organizing your blog so that others can learn from your creativity! God bless you! Thank you. The only bit of 'advice' I can think of would be for you to add a google search to your blog. I have one on mine, but don't remember how I did it! I'm guessing I saw one on someone else's blog and clicked on it. You can come try mine out if you are curious. BTW, I LOVE your pincushions. They are adorable.

  16. Like everything else you make, the pincushions are adorable. Now I have to go look to find the answer to 'what kind of felt you use'... because I have wanted to ask you that very question!

    Thank you, again!


  17. I am a lucky gal that has one of your pincushions. Remember the contest you had? My "hoochie hippo hips" was a winner. That is quite an undertaking to organize your projects on your blog. I admire your organization skills.
    How can you not love that Joe?
    Happy Weekend,

  18. I just had to say that your pincushions are magical! Thank you so much for sharing--they have brightened up my day!

  19. Good morning E! I had to laugh because I have always thought your blog was so organized and so easy to find things! I have never categorized my posts, I really need to learn how to do that. Now I have a question, I went to your flicker page the other day to look at some of your vintage cards but I couldn't find them. Am I being really blonde or have you moved them? If you get a chance, stop by my blog and take a look at my fluffy pink wreath today. Have a great weekend, Nan
    PS: What a special guy Joe must be to take the time to explain his intentions to TSG's dad! I don't think many guys even bother to ask these days. I hope my girls are lucky enough to find such a great guy. Does he live in Columbus and does he have a brother? LOL!

  20. Good Morning Elizabeth
    This whole post just makes me smile :)
    Those pincushions are adorable. Who could not want to sew with such a happy pincushion beside you.
    Again I am so happy for your sweet daughter. Joe's comment brought such a smile to me---
    Have a happy weekend

  21. I do love your pincushions! Including the one of yours I own. Just makes me smile to see it. :)

    How sweet that Joe wants to "hang out", I'm sure they'll become fast friends.

  22. WOW WOW WOW!!! Elizabeth-again you amaze me!! They are adorable!!!

    that's awesome Joe wants to spend some time with "Dad". Lot's of young men want nopthing to do with the father. It just shows the character of Joe!!!

    Sean has spent lot's of time over the past 4 years with the family.We had an open house at Christmas and he spent a good deal of the time chatting with some male friends from church--and they've given their seal of approval!!!!

  23. Miss E...I can't even imagine trying to organize all your goodies as they overlap so much. If it helps I am always able to find your site very organized as it is. These pincushions are so lovely. Irmi and fabric, be still my heart. I have a jar full of Irmi bits that I just keep marveling at. Thanks again for the inspiration. Enjoy your TSG and all her happiness, well deserved...Smiles...Renee

  24. OMG...that boy is a keeper for sure!!! What a sweet thing he said!

    You are amazing beyond words....not only in your creativity, but in your generosity to share your talented ideas with us.

    Have a great weekend.


    PS I LOVE your pincushions!

  25. I knew but forgot that you make pin cushions with Irmi! So precious! ♥

  26. You are so clever! Those pincushions are adorable. I also loved the stories about your daughter's engagement. How sweet and romantic!
    Getting organized is a dream of mine-let us know how it's going...

  27. Oh, he's just as sweet as he looks!!!

    I LOVE your pincushions, just like I love EVERYTHING you create...and you're so, sooo generous to share so much with us, Elizabeth. I swear, I could spend a day drooling over your should have it made into a book!

    xo Paulette :D


Your kind words mean so very much to me. Thank you for your visit! Elizabeth