Directions: Inexpensive craft felt works wonderfully for this project as an array of colors can be found this time of year. The circle base will just fit onto the 9 1/2 X 8" pieces found at your craft stores.
Button stitch rabbit in place, his nose, and tack on his beaded eye.
I used pencil to write out my "Chocolate Rabbit". Three strands of floss will just cover your lines; so don't at all worry about them. Outline stitch. Button stitch two circle bases together three strands floss.
Eggs: I used matching colored thread, three strands. Eggs are attached with three knot stitches at the base of egg hiding thread between layers. Watch your spacing! There should be a small space between each egg.
Ironing: I just love watching the steam work it's magic on the felt to meld the pieces into one. I begin from the back lightly holding iron in each spot for seconds. An even lighter pressing on the front. Don't let your piece get too flat!

Can you just picture my school drive past the Jefferson Memorial as the cherry blossoms fell like snow in the first of spring's breezes. I would roll down my window and let my palm sail the air currents of pink petals. These were my favorite days.