I hope you will have as much fun making these little ornaments as I did! I also hope you will be inspired as I was to use only what can be found in the nooks and crannies of your craft room. This is what I call Creative Breathing!
ICE SKATE: Begin top right of boot, button stitch catching hanger. Insert tinsel blade, continue stitching around boot bottom. Stuff, stitch close top of boot. With thread still on needle, tack on fluffy pipe cleaner. Use craft glue to attach sole to boot. Lace boot from bottom up, tie knot, thread string onto needle, pull through pom poms. Tie knot, slightly pull through to hide string.

SNOWFLAKE: Bend 2 stems in half, cut. Bend in half again. Twist together one pipe cleaner to the left, one to the right with each added. Hot glue small button to back of snowflake, large button on front. Bend remaining stem in half, cut, fold into fourths, cut, use 6 pieces to twist onto spokes of snowflake. Trim to desired length with wire cutters.

ANGEL: This caroling angel is made using the same steps as Santa. Stitch angel face and buttons on first. Whip stitch angel closed tucking in hanging string with last stitches. Inch long piece of tinsel pipe cleaner slips onto head. Secure with stitch in back!

SANTA: Cut opening for face using small pattern circle. Place face piece behind opening, attach with button stitch. Stitch face. Curl one end of beard strip, secure with stitch. Attach beard, hat strip, belt with glue. Stitch mouth. Stitch belt button. Whip stitch body closed securing hanger, sew on button.

HOUSE: Stitch in place door, use craft punch, punch red circle, insert. Attach snowflake.

HOUSE: BS short stitch strip to roof pieces, punch holes. BS long strip to house front, back, stuff. Thread hanging cord, insert peak roof. Glue roof in place.
TREE: Whip stitch closed ea. circle and trunk. To assemble: pull needle up through bottom of first piece, take a stitch in it's top to secure. Repeat securing stitch with each tree piece. Thread bead, create hanger, go back through bead and top of tree, tie knot.
REINDEER: BS and fill ea. leg. BS body catching hanging thread. BS head catching antlers, leave bottom open, stuff, attach to body. Attach ears, tail.

MOUSE: BS body one direction and then running stitch back the other way; turn right side out. Gather opening with running stitch, stuff, pull close. BS base to bottom. Attach eyes, ears, mouth, tail, and candy cane. Create hanger by stitching in place and knotting.
ASSEMBLY: I used only what I had on hand! A little spool of .99 cent rick-rack, fabric scraps, bits and bobs found tucked away for just this purpose, and paper scraps left over from a Christmas project.Can you guess what this garland spells? CHRISTMAS!!!